next day, I rounded up my best fighters, boarded the ship, and set sail for
Q’ten Lo. The ship crew was all from Siltvelt. They seemed a bit wary when
Itsuki got on board, but I shot them a stern look and that shut them up.
It was around
evening that day.
“Stop posing like
that on the ship’s bow! It’s bad luck!” I shouted.
Filo and Raph-chan
must have lost their minds. They were standing at the front of the ship and
holding their hands up in the air. It was the exact same pose made famous by
that movie about the luxury cruise liner that ended up sinking. Where did they
learn that? From Ren or Itsuki, most likely.
There was a lantern
with fancy decorations hanging near the front of the ship and burning brightly.
According to Werner and the old genmu, it was some kind of special item that
would enable us to enter Q’ten Lo. They said something about it allowing us to
navigate around the raging currents.
“That sure is a
mysterious light,” Raphtalia whispered.
She approached the
lantern and peered in at the flame.
“I can sense the
flow of some peculiar power. We probably just need to follow that flow, but it
seems to change randomly and quite often. It would be difficult to mimic the
lantern’s effect on my own,” Atla said.
“Ugh . . .”
Fohl had gotten
seasick and wasn’t doing too well. He’d been like this ever since getting on
board. The difference between him now and when he’d won the duel in Siltvelt
was like night and day. It was pitiful.
“Little Naofumi!
Little Raphtalia! Look at those whirlpools,” Sadeena said.
She pointed at a
whirling current near the ship. When I looked more closely, I realized we were
actually sailing inside of an eddy too.
“If you watch
carefully, you’ll notice that the current flows outward. Do you see it?” she
“Yeah, now that you
mention it,” I replied.
The whirlpools were
all flowing in a set direction. It looked really creepy. But now it made sense
that it would be easy to leave and tough to get in through these waters.
“So you and
Raphtalia’s parents made your way through all these whirlpools?” I asked her.
“We sure did,” she
It was hard to
believe anyone could make it through waters filled with so many whirlpools. I
was honestly impressed.

must be nice having such a lively bunch of friends, kid,” the old guy said
after coming over to join us.
Before we left
port, he’d wandered around the area buying all kinds of stuff and then asked me
to transport it back for him. We had a bit of extra time, so I agreed. He said
he’d make us some nice weapons after we got back, so I was looking forward to
Speaking of the
port area, something about the countries beyond Siltvelt all reminded me of
Japan. We’d seen a good mixture of humans and demi-humans of all races, but
they seemed to be getting along well regardless.
“What kind of guy
is your master, anyway? I remember hearing something about him being like
Motoyasu,” I asked the old guy.
I couldn’t help but
wonder about his past.
“Hmm . . . Well,
he’s about as skilled as they come. I’m still not confident even I could match
his craftsmanship,” he replied.
“And you say the
weapons those assassins who attacked the village were using look like your
master’s work?”
“Yeah, there’s no
doubt about it. But if you asked me whether he was from Q’ten Lo, I really have
no idea.”
“Oh really?”
“I guess you could
say he was a bit of a vagabond. I wandered around from place to place studying
blacksmithing at first too. But the moment I saw his work, I fell in love. I
became his apprentice after that.”
To sum up what the
old guy told me, he’d gone traveling from country to country as an adventurer
when he was younger. He wanted to expand his horizons to make himself a better
blacksmith. One day, he stopped in at a weapon shop that carried weapons made
by local smiths. After spotting several masterfully crafted weapons there, he
went and started an apprenticeship under the blacksmith who’d made them.
The masterpieces
he’d seen were a katana and a sword. The old guy mentioned his own specialty
had been making swords up until that point.
“Now that you
mention it, I ask you for all kinds of different equipment, like it’s the norm.
But now that I think about it, being able to handle all of that is really
impressive,” I said.
I’d heard that even
just making a sword was an incredibly complicated process. But on top of that,
he was able to handle spears, bows, short swords, all kinds of other weapons,
and even armor and shields. He honestly deserved the praise.
“If you say so. But
yeah, I handle a little bit of everything at the shop. I do my best to fulfill
custom orders too,” the old guy replied.
He acted really
“Master used to say
that blacksmiths who specialize in a certain type of weapon always end up
hitting a dead end, so we should keep an open mind and try to craft a variety
of weapons and equipment,” he continued.
“That must be why
you even make pajamas,” I retorted.
“That one was your
fault for bringing me such a strange request in the first place, kid,” he shot
I guess a Filo
Kigurumi wasn’t any stranger than a Pekkul Kigurumi.
“I do consult with
specialists from time to time, but I always do my best to analyze materials and
figure out how to make the most of them,” the old guy continued.
“Yeah, I’ve
noticed. So what? You became an apprentice and worked on all kinds of different
stuff, then?” I asked.
“Pretty much. We
traveled the world and did all kinds of things. Like getting into messes
because of the master’s womanizing and me being forced to pay off his massive
debts. I got all kinds of experience,” he replied.
“Umm, none of that
has anything to do with blacksmithing, does it?” I said.
A bitter smile
crept across the old guy’s face.
“That’s why very
few of the master’s apprentices stuck with him until the end, despite how
skilled he was. Aside from me and Tolly, everyone else ended up running away,”
he replied.
“You mean Imiya’s
uncle. But he ended up leaving before he finished too, right?” I asked.
“Yeah, right when
the master was about to fully certify him, he had some family issues come up,”
the old guy explained.
“I heard he was
working at an ironmonger’s shop or something,” I said.
I mean, that wasn’t
completely unrelated. But would a blacksmith really be content working at an
ironmonger’s shop?
“Back to what I was
saying. So I was still in the middle of my apprenticeship, but one day the
master just left a letter on the table and disappeared. It said he had nothing
left to teach me and that I should open shop wherever I wanted,” the old guy
“That makes the guy
sound kind of cool, but I’m guessing there’s a twist,” I replied.
I stared at the old
guy suspiciously and he let out a loud, bitter laugh.
“Yeah, it was only
a matter of hours before the women and debt collectors came flooding in like a
tidal wave,” he said.
Yeah, his master
was a complete deadbeat. If we ran into him, we should probably punish him
right then and there on the spot.
“Now I understand
what it is you want to do. We can settle your grudge and secure your future at
the same time,” I said.
“I just realized
that talking to you was a huge mistake, kid. I’ve never felt more certain of
anything in my life,” the old guy replied.
He was squinting
his eyes at me. What was that supposed to mean? Had I said something wrong?
“Am I wrong?” I
“Well, I do wish
he’d do something about his womanizing and irresponsible spending habits. I
won’t deny that. But that’s not what I’m after,” he replied.
Hmm, I guess that
meant the old guy had something else in mind.
“It might just be a
coincidence that those assassins were using weapons he made. It’s possible we
won’t find any clues to his whereabouts in Q’ten Lo,” he continued.
“That’s true,” I
It’s not that it
would be a problem if he wasn’t in Q’ten Lo. But the old guy still had a lot of
respect for his master and felt like he still had more to learn. I figured
that’s what he was trying to say.
“Either way, if the
master’s weapons are causing you trouble, then I need to look into it. You’re a
loyal customer, so that’s my duty as your blacksmith,” he added.
So it was something
the old guy felt he needed to do for my sake and ultimately for his master’s
“And that’s not
all. If I can follow the trail of the master’s weapons back to him, I might be
able to resolve this issue I’ve been stuck on. That’s the feeling I get,” he
Oh yeah. I almost
forgot I’d asked the old guy to make me a new shield. But the Spirit Tortoise
materials were supposedly really difficult to work with and he was having
trouble crafting anything worthy of actually being called a shield. Talking it
over with Imiya’s uncle had given him some promising ideas, but he still wasn’t
happy with the results. Addressing his concerns might mean being able to make
me a better shield.
In that case, I
should probably do what I could to help out. After all, the old guy was the
first person to recognize the truth and offer me a helping hand after I came to
this world and was framed.
“Got it. I’ll do my
best to help you look for clues,” I said.
After we finished
talking, I turned and gazed off into the direction of Q’ten Lo.
Gaelion was
circling around above the boat like a seagull. S’yne and Wyndia wanted to come
with us too, but they ended up going to Siltvelt with Rat to investigate things
there. S’yne in particular seemed to have picked up the enemy’s scent, so I
pretty much left things to her.
Gaelion changed
into his baby dragon form and landed on my shoulder.
“Hmm, the breeze
feels nice here. But as soon as I leave the ship, the wind suddenly becomes so
strong that it feels like I’ll be blown away,” he said.
The adult Gaelion
was talking freely since neither Ren nor Wyndia was around.
“Let me know if you
sense anything unsettling,” I said.
“I will. But that’s
not to say I don’t already sense something out of the ordinary,” he replied.
“Oh really?”
“It’s not something
that I can detect clearly. But if I had to say, it certainly seems like the
distant presence of a dragon.”
“Is it the water
dragon that Sadeena mentioned?”
“Most likely. My
senses are telling me that he is busy maintaining the barrier and does not
consider us hostiles.”
“I see.”
“But it would
probably be wise to remain on constant alert and be ready for anything.”
That went without
“I’ve been informed
we’ll be entering Q’ten Lo waters shortly. However, it will still be some time
before we arrive, so please remain patient,” Werner said after he came over and
bowed to me.
My shield’s jewel
suddenly flashed.
I wasn’t sure what
I should expect, but nothing else happened after that. Our voyage continued on
without issue.
was later that evening. We were sailing through a dense fog when the ship
suddenly began rocking violently.
“Huh? What was
that?” I asked.
We’d been relaxing
inside of our cabin. I opened the door to look outside.
“It’s an attack!
We’re under attack!” screamed a crew member.
“An attack?”
Well, I did figure
this might happen. They never learned.
“The enemy has
boarded the ship! We’re currently engaged in battle!” Werner shouted.
He came running
over to notify us of the situation.
“Please take refuge
in a safe location!” he went on.
“Why the hell would
I take refuge from the enemy?” I replied.
“That’s right! We
should make them pay with their lives!” Atla exclaimed.
Everything was
always so extreme with her.
“Oh my . . .”
Sadeena muttered.
“I guess we’re not
going to be able to sneak in undetected,” Raphtalia whispered.
It sounded like she
was halfway ready to give up even trying.
“What? Whaaat?”
Filo asked with a sleepy, confused look on her face.
Gaelion had been
lying at her feet snoring before the commotion woke him up. I was starting to
think the two of them actually got along surprisingly well.
“Well, they are
after Raphtalia, so it’s no surprise we’d be attacked,” I said.
“I’ve been told
that the Bow Hero has already engaged the enemy on the deck,” Werner replied.
Itsuki and the
others had been resting in a different cabin, but I guess they’d already joined
the fight. I wanted to think they’d be able to handle it, but I figured I
should go check things out.
“Let’s go,” I said.
“Ugh . . .” Fohl
He was still suffering
from seasickness. I wasn’t sure what to do about him.
“Brother, how long
do you plan on letting yourself look so pathetic?” Atla asked.
Pathetic? That sure
was a heartless thing to say to her brother when he was trying to deal with
excruciating seasickness. He couldn’t help it if he had a predisposition to
getting seasick. But as soon as she finished speaking, Fohl sat up abruptly and
shook his head.
“I’m coming too,
Atla!” he said.
I guess he’d push
himself through anything to satisfy his little sister. It was pretty
impressive, actually. I guess if he was fine with that, I wasn’t going to
“Alright! Let’s
capture the bastards this time and make them talk!” I shouted.
Raphtalia replied.
“That would be
nice, but don’t get your hopes up,” Sadeena said.
“I’ll do my best!”
Atla exclaimed.
“Me toooo!” cried
We all headed up to
the deck. I looked around. A group of several killer whale therianthropes who
looked like Sadeena clones had gathered on the deck. Down in the water, I
spotted some enemies that looked like merfolk and a few with turtle-like
features that made them look like kappa. There were also several therianthropes
that resembled albino snakes and then some goblins with bird beaks. There was
actually quite a bit of variation.
The enemies were
firing off magic at the ship from down in the currents and the Siltvelt mages
were firing back at them.
“Kappas, huh?” I
“Fehhhh,” Rishia
She’d been with me
when I fought some kappas back in Kizuna’s world. That must have been why she
was eying them so warily.
“Are kappas
considered monsters in this world? Or would they be therianthropes?” I asked.
“What do you mean?”
said Sadeena.
“It’s just that
they were monsters in Kizuna’s world,” I explained.
I guess now wasn’t
the time for a casual chat, though. I prepared to engage the killer whale
therianthropes and kappas.
“Shooting Star
I activated my
Shooting Star Shield to protect any nearby party members.
“Drifa Chain
Sadeena cast her
magic, shooting bolts of lightning at the enemies on the deck.
“Ugh . . .”
They must have been
seasoned fighters, because they used their harpoons as lightning rods to divert
Sadeena’s magical lightning attack.
underestimate Siltveltians!” a member of the crew cried out.
Werner and the crew
members were all on the deck fighting too. They seemed to be a pretty even
match for the enemy.
“Shooting Star
Itsuki synchronized
his movements with Rishia and fired off an attack at the approaching enemies.
“Let’s do this,
Brother!” Atla exclaimed.
“Okay!” Fohl
Upon Atla’s
command, Fohl rushed forward and delivered a powerful kick to one of the
enemies. The enemy must have been pretty tough, because it still wasn’t quite
enough to incapacitate them. But Fohl seemed to have the advantage from a
physical strength perspective. He was driving the enemy into a corner, if not
“Stardust Blade!”
Raphtalia drew her
katana and used a skill. The results of her recent training showed. Her katana
moved with fluidity and grace, and she landed a direct hit.
She cut cleanly
through the therianthrope charging at her. The enemy fell flat onto the ground.
“You’ve gotten
pretty good with that katana, little Raphtalia,” said Sadeena.
“Not good enough. I
still need to learn how to use it better,” Raphtalia replied.
“There can be only
one Heavenly Emperor! Die!” shouted an assassin while swinging a sword.
Umm, the assassin
seemed to be confused as far as I could tell. What was she thinking, turning
her back to Raphtalia and attacking the air?
Raph-chan squeaked
and hopped up and down on the ground directly below where the enemy had
attacked. Ah, so she had shown the assassin a hallucination.
“Either way . . .”
I began.
The assassins all
started to focus their attacks on Raphtalia. I glared at them and activated Air
Strike Shield and my other skills to impede their movements.
“Their guard is
airtight, so I’ll create an opening! You finish them off!” I told Raphtalia and
the others.
“Understood!” Raphtalia
“Here I go!” Atla
She charged at one
of the assassins and delivered a sharp jab with her hand.
That was all it
took to make the assassin crumple forward onto the ground. Filo followed with a
flying kick.
“Yaaaah!” she cried
as she flew through the air.
She landed the kick
on one of the killer whale therianthropes, who then went flying off the deck.
Filo started to chase after the killer whale to deliver a follow-up attack.
“Filo! Don’t go
after her! They have the advantage in the water!” I shouted.
Gaelion was
fighting the crow-billed goblins in the air, but it seemed like they were both
getting tossed about by the strong winds. The goblins clearly knew how to move,
but Gaelion was breathing fire all over the place and quite a few scorched
goblins had fallen out of the sky.
“Take this!”
shouted a therianthrope assassin.
“Not so quick!” the
old guy retorted.
The therianthrope
had swung one of those fishy katanas at me, but the old guy jumped in and blocked
the attack. They locked blades and began to struggle, but the old guy seemed to
have a slight advantage.
“How did you get
your hands on that katana? I’d appreciate it if you told me,” he said.
“Hmph! I have no
intention of telling the enemy anything!” the assassin shouted.
“In that case, I’ll
just have to force it out of you!”
The old guy gripped
his sword tightly and thrust the enemy away. He then spun his blade around and
drove it back up under the enemy’s katana. The katana went flying out of the
enemy’s hands.
“Huh? Grrr!”
“You’re full of
openings!” the old guy taunted.
With a loud thud,
the katana landed blade-first and lodged itself deeply into the deck. The old
guy pulled out a medium-sized war hammer and thrust it into the torso of the
now-unarmed therianthrope. The powerful impact traveled through the enemy’s
armor and into his body.
“Oof! Grrr . . . I
won’t let you make a spectacle of me!” the therianthrope shouted.
Just before the
enemy collapsed, he somehow managed to self-destruct and his body burst into
“Jeez, he didn’t
have to die . . .” the old guy mumbled.
“My thoughts
exactly,” I agreed.
It wasn’t like we
were going to eat them alive if they lost. We’d just torture them a bit to make
them talk is all. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to feed them to Filo, though.
“I have a feeling
Mr. Naofumi is imagining something even worse than death,” Raphtalia said.
“You think so?” I
The enemy numbers
had dwindled quite a bit. We did have some fierce warriors from Siltvelt on
board, not to mention the all-star lineup I’d brought with me. There wasn’t a
group of assassins we wouldn’t be able to deal with. The enemy must have
realized that too, because I heard some kind of loud signal and they all
started leaping off the ship into the water and fleeing.
“Wait!” called out
a crew member.
“I wouldn’t
recommend going after them,” Sadeena said.
Her warning made
the crew hesitate to chase after the enemy. I seemed to recall someone
mentioning that even the hakuko, who were unrivaled on land, were no match for
those killer whale therianthropes—orcas, I think they were called—in the water.
“They might try
attacking again later. All hands remain on full alert!”
And just like that,
the trusty Siltvelt crew members went back to business as usual. The old guy
plucked the katana out of the ship’s deck and inspected the blade.
“This one was made
. . . more recently than the last,” he said.
“Oh really?” I
“Yeah. I thought it
might have just been a coincidence that they were using one of the master’s
pieces, but that doesn’t seem very likely now,” he replied.
“Hmm . . .”
Itsuki and Rishia
came over to join us after making sure there were no enemies left.
“The enemies have
all fled for now. Should we prepare the ballista in case they attack again?” Itsuki
I’d almost
forgotten that he could use the ballista. Now that he’d implemented the
power-up methods, his attacks using the ballista would be on a whole different
level than what Raphtalia had managed before, although the enemy was apparently
using equipment specifically designed to counter the heroes.
“It’s incredible to
think they would attack us in the middle of all these whirlpools. They were
swimming around down there in the currents like it was completely normal,”
Rishia said.
“Maybe they had
some kind of special protection,” I suggested.
“It’s possible they
were carrying equipment imbued with a blessing by the water dragon himself,”
Sadeena whispered with a hint of concern in her voice.
“That just shows
how much they don’t want us to make it to Q’ten Lo,” I said.
Making trouble for
the enemy was one of the basics of war. Things were going smoothly, in other
“We did it!” Atla
“We wooon!” Filo
“I guess you’re
right. Maybe I’m just being overly—”
But before Sadeena
could finish speaking . . .
Gaelion was the
first to react. He turned toward us, and then it happened!
Something shot down
toward me and Raphtalia. It managed to avoid hitting anyone standing in the
area and bored right through the deck of the ship, disappearing down into the
water below. Immediately after, the whirlpool below us shot up like a tornado
and sucked up a section of the deck that had been cut away.
Raphtalia and I
quickly tried to move away, but I could feel the tornado pulling us in. I tried
to cast my Air Strike Shield to give us something to stand on, but I didn’t
make it in time.
“Little Naofumi!
Little Raphtalia!” Sadeena cried out.
Sadeena and Gaelion
leapt toward me and Raphtalia. Several seconds later, Atla came running after
us too.
“Mr. Naofumi!” she
“Atla!” Fohl
He grabbed her hand
immediately and held her back.
Filo, Rishia,
Itsuki, and the old guy all called out to us, but none of them could make it in
time. They all went plunging down into the whirlpool below, and the tornado
swallowed me and Raphtalia up. It tossed us around violently, and everything
went spinning by at breakneck speeds.
“Mr. Naofumi!”
I instantly reached
out and grasped Raphtalia’s hand tightly so that we wouldn’t get separated. It
wasn’t the first time something like this had happened.
“Little Naofumi!
Little Raphtalia!”
Sadeena had leapt
into the tornado in an attempt to protect me and Raphtalia. She was doing
everything she could to swim through the swirling waters. It looked like
Gaelion was clinging on to her back.
“Use . . . your
portal . . .”
It took everything
I had to focus my attention and call out the name of the skill.
“Portal . . . Shield!”
back would mean having to retrace our steps, but oh well. I called out the name
of the skill and a message popped up on my screen: “Unable to teleport.” The
thing never worked when I needed it most! We went spinning around inside of the
tornado, and I felt my consciousness begin to drift away.
. . .”
A drop of water
splashed on my cheek and woke me from my half-conscious daze. I opened my eyes
and realized someone had laid me on my back. I looked to my right and saw
Raphtalia laid out next to me in the same fashion. I must have been holding on
to her hand the whole time.
“Oh? Did you
finally wake up?” Sadeena asked.
I sat up and shook
my head. Sadeena stood there peering down at me and Raphtalia.
Gaelion was perched
on Sadeena’s shoulder. He sounded like he’d been worried about us.
“Where are we?” I
I looked around.
The walls seemed to be made of rock and had a faint green glow. We must have
been in a cave. I could see water flowing into the cave not far from where we
were. It smelled like seawater. To the rear, there appeared to be some kind of
altar and a path leading deeper into the cave.
“The water dragon’s
secret hideaway would be my guess,” Sadeena replied.
“That certainly
seems likely,” Gaelion agreed.
“The water dragon?
Does that mean he brought us here by force?” I asked.
“Probably,” Sadeena
“Yes, I was able to
confirm that much while spinning around inside of that tornado. The water
dragon indeed pulled us down here,” Gaelion confirmed.
I wondered if that
meant the water dragon had hostile intentions. We would need to be extra
“Raphtalia is—” I
“Ugh . . .”
Raphtalia regained
consciousness at almost the same moment I turned to look at her.
“Mr. Naofumi . . .
Where are we?” she asked.
“Apparently the
water dragon dragged us into his hideout,” I replied.
“What?! That means
. . .”
Raphtalia gripped
the handle of her katana and stood up, prepared to engage in combat at a
moment’s notice.
“Where is this
water dragon anyway, Sadeena?” I asked.
“I have no idea,
unfortunately. But you should take a look at that altar over there,” she said.
I looked over at
the altar she was pointing to. What appeared to be a crystal ball was resting
on top. I could sense some kind of force coming from its direction. It
resembled magic power. Something about this crystal was different than the
crystal balls used to learn magic spells, though.
“What is that?” I
“I was a miko
priestess, but this is the first time I’ve seen that thing,” she replied.
“That’s a dragon
emperor fragment,” said Gaelion, pointing at the crystal ball.
“Why would
something like that be enshrined here?” I asked.
“Who knows? Not me,
at least,” Sadeena said.
Gaelion approached
the crystal ball or, according to him, “the dragon emperor fragment.” It didn’t
seem to be a trap.
“You remember what
happened with that demon dragon. Are you sure it’s okay to mess with that
thing?” I asked.
The crystal ball
suddenly floated up off of the altar and shined a beam of light at Gaelion.
“Hmm . . . It
appears to be safe. It’s telling me the dragon wanted to deliver a message,” he
The crystal ball
turned into a sphere of pure light before being absorbed into Gaelion’s body.
“Now I see. The
water dragon seems to have left a souvenir for me. The fragment just raised my
stats and increased my water-type resistances,” he continued.
“A souvenir? Does
that mean the water dragon isn’t here?” I asked.
“It seems he
brought us here to give you an invitation, as the guardian of this country. He
was made aware of your approach some time back. He received your signal,
apparently,” Gaelion said.
Hmm, so the water
dragon had his reasons for doing things this way. But what signal? Then I
remembered seeing my shield’s jewel flash earlier. Maybe that was a signal.
“And what if you
hadn’t been here?” I asked Gaelion.
“There was a
message magically sealed within the crystal ball. It probably would have given
you the same explanation,” he replied.
“So what exactly
does ‘guardian’ mean?” I asked.
Gaelion paused for
a moment and seemed to be struggling to find the right answer.
“I’m having trouble
reading that information from the fragment, but apparently there is a barrier
around Q’ten Lo. It’s meant to keep out certain . . . spirits? It only allows
the entrance of spirits that are pure and innocent, it seems,” he said.
“So the water
dragon monitors approaching spirits?” I asked.
“To be exact, the
water dragon’s job is to maintain the barrier. What the barrier is guarding the
country from, I’m not sure,” Gaelion explained.
“That’s right. I
know about the water dragon maintaining the barrier. I had to participate in
all kinds of ceremonies dealing with that when I was little,” Sadeena said.
She seemed to be
lost in thought for a moment, reminiscing about the past.
“There’s a whole
town under the ocean. It’s deep down in the abyss, where the currents are
strongest. You have to contact the water dragon directly to even get access,
but I’ve seen it,” she continued.
“Umm, so why are we
here again?” Raphtalia asked.
“Well, the barrier
has been tampered with, it seems. Ships from Siltvelt are no longer ensured
access to Q’ten Lo,” Gaelion explained.
“So there was no
point in coming on a ship from Siltvelt?” I groaned.
That meant our trip
to Siltvelt had basically been a complete waste of time.
“That’s not true.
If we hadn’t come on the ship from Siltvelt, we probably wouldn’t have made it
to the edge of the barrier, where the water dragon was able to summon us here,”
Gaelion replied.
So we definitely
wouldn’t have gotten in without the ship. I guess it was fine, in that case.
But wait, didn’t that mean that the ship we were on wouldn’t make it to Q’ten
“The ship will
probably be able to make its way to Q’ten Lo eventually, but it seems the
government is trying to buy time. That’s why the water dragon created a
distraction and brought us here,” Gaelion continued.
“So basically, the
water dragon summoned us here by force, right?” I asked.
Gaelion nodded,
showing no sign of protest.
“And? Does he have
some kind of hidden agenda or something?” I continued.
“Why is that the
first thing you think about?” Gaelion asked incredulously.
Whatever. That’s
just how my mind worked.
“That’s just like
Mr. Naofumi,” Raphtalia replied.
“Always approach
with caution, right?” Sadeena said.
She stole my
answer! Oh well.
“In summary, the
water dragon is not happy with the situation in Q’ten Lo and he brought you
here in an attempt to serve the country’s original purpose,” Gaelion said.
“Couldn’t he just have
brought the whole boat?” I said, annoyed.
Gaelion looked at
me like I’d asked a stupid question.
“So what? What is
the country’s original purpose supposed to be?” I asked.
“Well, that’s
another part of the fragment that I’m having trouble understanding, but it has
something to do with the role played by your companion’s family line—the role
of pacifier . . . of the spirit implements,” he explained.
“‘Pacifier of the
spirit implements’?” I asked.
He was saying
things that made no sense again. Going on what I knew so far, there was a good
possibility that “spirit implements” referred to the heroes’ weapons. But I had
no idea what “pacifier” was supposed to mean.
“You mean me?”
Raphtalia asked.
“I don’t remember
hearing anything about that,” Sadeena said.
She had a confused
look on her face.
“Maybe it’s a
concept that faded away over time since the country has been sealed off from
the outside world for so long,” I suggested.
The queen and the
leaders of Siltvelt mentioned that parts of the legends had been lost to war
over the years. This country probably had a similar past too.
“The information we
had access to differed with each division, though. It’s possible that others
knew, even if I didn’t. Little Raphtalia’s father might have known something,”
Sadeena said.
“My father . . .”
Raphtalia whispered.
There was a sadness
in her voice, probably because she had been reminded of her father. I wanted to
say something that would comfort her. But I knew that looking for answers from
a dead person probably wasn’t going to help anything.
“Raphtalia, are you
. . .” I began.
I wondered if
asking her more about her parents would bother her. Even I wasn’t so dense that
I couldn’t tell she missed them.
“I’m okay. But if
you want to ask whether my father ever mentioned anything, there’s nothing that
I recall,” she said.
Hmm, I wondered if
that just meant her father was good at keeping secrets.
“That’s fine. This
is only speculation, but ‘spirit implements’ probably refers to the holy
weapons. That’s all I can really guess at this point,” I said.
“It would seem so,”
Raphtalia replied.
“Yeah, that’s what
it sounded like the assassins meant when they were babbling on the other day. I
think it’s safe to assume you’re correct,” Sadeena said.
“So that leaves us
with ‘pacifier.’ Judging from the word itself, along with that equipment the
assassins were using, I imagine it refers to someone who is in a position to
have some kind of influence on the heroes,” I continued.
It reminded me of
being taunted and referred to as “Shield Demon” in Melromarc. “Shield Devil”
was another one of the countless names I’d been called.
speaking, what if a hero were summoned to this world and just ran rampant,
doing whatever they wanted? Say they got their hands on some suspicious weapon with
brainwashing abilities—like the one Itsuki was using when Rishia fought him—and
then set out to conquer the world. Heroes were supposedly summoned when the
world was in danger. But what if one of those heroes turned evil and started
trying to conquer the world because of a curse or something? And what if that
evil hero defeated the other heroes that had been summoned too?
The world would be
in a real dark place. Even if they summoned new heroes, the evil hero would
know they were a potential threat. He wouldn’t just ignore them. If it were me,
I’d kill them as soon as they were summoned, without a doubt. I wouldn’t even
let them summon new heroes in the first place. But what if there were people
who could intervene and pacify a hero that had gotten out of control? And what
if these so-called “pacifiers” were still out there but had simply erased all
records and evidence of their existence? If such people did exist and had the
ability to suppress the power of the heroes’ weapons, then they might have a chance
against said evil hero.
It wasn’t
impossible, but it seemed pretty farfetched.
“The water dragon
seems to be adamant about there being a good reason for the isolation of Q’ten
Lo,” Gaelion said.
“Alright. I’m sure
we’ll find out more about that later. So what’s this about not being happy with
the country’s situation?” I asked.
“You’ll supposedly
understand once you leave the cave and see the situation for yourself. The
water dragon says he wants you to infiltrate the country with the miko
priestess and weaken the barrier that is blocking the ship your companions are
on,” Gaelion continued.
“The water dragon
wants to cooperate with us, in other words. So he created an opening and
summoned us inside of the barrier. And now he wants us to weaken the barrier so
that the ship can get in?” I asked.
Gaelion nodded.
“The location of
the device that maintains the barrier is recorded here. It’s telling me we
should go there. What do you want to do?” he asked.
“This dragon sure
is pushy, considering he won’t even show himself. Honestly, I’m inclined to
refuse to do anything he says, but that’s probably not the best idea,” I
The dragon had
resorted to rather forceful tactics. And it wasn’t like just ignoring his
message and leaving the cave wasn’t an option. We didn’t have to do what the
water dragon said. But I couldn’t deny that we didn’t really have a next move
without getting more information first.
“In any case, if it
will get us out of this cave, then we might as well go. Whether or not we do
what he wants us to when we get there is a different story, though,” I said.
“That’s just like
you. But it sounds like a plan, either way,” Gaelion replied.
“Oh! It’s a signal
from Raph-chan,” Raphtalia exclaimed.
Oh yeah, I always
seemed to forget she and Raph-chan were connected somehow. Raphtalia had her
eyes closed and seemed to be concentrating.
“Umm, I’m not
really sure what she’s saying, but I think she’s trying to tell me she has a
good idea of the situation here. She’s updating Filo now,” Raphtalia explained.
“I see. How are
things on the ship?” I asked.
“They’re trying to
enter Q’ten Lo, but something is impeding their progress. She says they should
be able to break through, but it will take more time.”
Hmm, so the
situation seemed to corroborate the water dragon’s information so far.
“I guess we should
get going then,” said Sadeena.
“Agreed. For now,
let’s just try to get to some kind of human habitation,” I said.
We began to explore
the cave. Although, there was really only one path, which eventually led down
into the water.
“I’ll go check it
out,” Sadeena said.
“Be careful,” I
told her.
“Of course!”
She changed into
her therianthrope form and went ahead down into the water. I wondered if she
would be alright. But she came back up out of the water before I knew it.
“Well, I’ll be!
This waterway is camouflaged really well. I had no idea it was here,” she said.
“I don’t care about
that. Just tell me whether we can get out of here or not,” I replied.
“Yes, we can. It’s
a bit deep and getting in is complicated, since it’s concealed so well. But
getting out should be simple enough.”
“Alright, let’s
head out then,” I said.
“Okie dokie.
Everyone hold on to me and don’t let go!” Sadeena told us.
“Okay,” said
“I can hold my own
in the water now. I’ll be right behind you,” Gaelion said.
I guess he could
operate underwater now. He was gaining new abilities at a surprising rate.
Raphtalia and I
grabbed on to Sadeena and we passed through the dark underwater passage before
coming up to the surface of the water. The Pekkul Kigurumi would have been
helpful, but I didn’t have it with me, unfortunately. If worse came to worst, I
guess I could always use my Bubble Shield skill as a way to breathe.
I looked around us
as I floated on the surface. There was land nearby. I could see trees that
looked like pines and some other plants that looked like bamboo. It reminded me
of Japan. But I could see mountains that looked like the ones in China too, so
I knew it wasn’t actually Japan. It wasn’t quite like Kizuna’s world, either.
I saw what looked
like a port town off in the distance. There seemed to be quite a few boats
there too. They weren’t normal sailing ships. They looked like those
single-sail merchant ships used in Japan during the Edo period. It was the kind
of ship I thought of when I imagined a treasure ship. This was the first time
I’d seen ships like that in any world other than my own.
“We should probably
head for shore somewhere further away from the port, if we want to sneak in,”
Sadeena said.
“I get that, but .
. .”
I stuck my head in
the water and looked around. Off in the distance, I could see aquatic
therianthropes and demi-humans free diving and swimming around in the water.
“I’m not going to
use my sonar since they might notice,” she continued.
“Do you think they’re
our enemies?” I asked.
“They just normal
civilians, as far as I can tell. But they don’t seem to be fishing, either,”
she said.
Sadeena gazed in
their direction with a confused look on her face. It suddenly occurred to me
that I was swimming with a killer whale. That felt kind of strange.
“Ah, I see. They
must be harvesting seaweed. That doesn’t make much sense when there are fish
all around,” she continued.
“Who cares about
that. Let’s hurry up and get to land,” I said.
Sadeena nodded.
“Good idea,” she
“Let’s go,”
Raphtalia agreed.
Everyone nodded. We
followed the shore reef to avoid being seen and eventually made it to land.
“Now then . . .
Portal Shield!”
Hmph. We couldn’t
use teleportation. I had a sneaking suspicion that would be the case. That
would make it difficult to bring Ren to us. Things might be different if we
found a dragon hourglass somewhere.
“The first thing
you do is try to go home. You’re really something, little Naofumi,” said
“I won’t know if I
can use it unless I try it out. Whether or not we’ll be able to escape in an
emergency makes a big difference,” I replied.
“That’s a good
point,” Raphtalia said.
She tried using her
katana’s portal skill too. I think it was called Scroll of Return.
“Mine doesn’t work
either. Something is interfering with teleportation,” she said.
“I guess that would
have been too easy,” I replied.
“On with the
infiltration then,” said Sadeena.
I had to wonder why
we ended up sneaking into places so often. When I’d thought about invading
Q’ten Lo, I’d imagined using Siltvelt’s influence to charge right through the
front door.
I sighed.
“There were outfits
prepared for us, so we should change,” Raphtalia said.
The clothes that
the water dragon left for me seemed to be made out of hemp or something like
that. Raphtalia got a hakama. It didn’t look quite as good as the miko outfit,
but it wasn’t a bad choice. Sadeena had a similar outfit. Gaelion got to wear a
tiny version of one of those straw ropes you always saw at shrines around his
neck. I guess that was his collar. It had a little glass bead-looking thing
hanging from it and actually suited him surprisingly well.
“Well didn’t he
just think of everything,” I said.
“What is this for?”
Gaelion asked.
“It basically shows
that you’re a sanctified monster. It’s imbued with the water dragon’s blessing,
so it should make you seem important,” Sadeena replied.
We had effectively
replaced our armor with ordinary civilian clothes. Sadeena and Raphtalia each
draped a thin sheet over their heads and shoulders as a kind of cloak that
would hide their faces. I had a feeling that would just make them stand out.
“Are people going
to recognize you?” I asked Sadeena.
“It’s been ten
years since I left this country. I should probably be careful just in case, but
there aren’t many people that know my face. But little Raphtalia definitely
needs to hide her tail and ears. Those might give us away,” she replied.
“Is her race
special or something?” I asked.
I wondered if her
tail and ears would really give her away. People just assumed she was a racoon
in Melromarc and Siltvelt. Her actual race was supposedly something else.
“Either way, you
two should be careful,” I said.
“Yeah,” Sadeena
“Are there humans
in this country?” I asked.
Sadeena nodded.
“There are, but
they’re not very highly regarded, just like in Siltvelt. That said, they don’t
end up as slaves or anything like that,” she replied.
Oh? That was
commendable. But I still wrapped a towel around my head to disguise my race,
just in case.
“Alright, let’s do
this. Where are we supposed to go?” I asked Gaelion.
“Hmm, it seems we
need to head to the biggest building in the port town. It’s supposed to have a
tower,” he said.
“Ah, that must be
that lighthouse,” I replied.
And so we began to
make our way toward the port town lighthouse.
I saw
something that looked like an ancient burial mound on the way.
“Ah, so that’s
where we are,” Sadeena said.
“You recognize this
place?” I asked.
“Yeah, everyone
knows this spot. The remains of a monster defeated by little Raphtalia’s
ancestors are buried here,” she replied.
In the back of my
mind, I imagined them building the burial mound because they were afraid of
being cursed by some giant spider monster or something. That probably wasn’t
far from the truth. And then I remembered the stone monument where the Tyrant
Dragon Rex had been sealed away.
“The monster isn’t
sealed away in there . . . is it?” I asked.
“I know what you’re
thinking. I’m getting a really bad feeling about this,” Raphtalia said.
“Yes, I observed
that fight from within your shield,” Gaelion added.
“I have no idea.
Either way, I can’t recommend destroying ancient ruins,” Sadeena replied.
“I know that. Let’s
hurry up and get out of here,” I said.
“Agreed. Any time
Mr. Naofumi touches something, it’s like kicking the hornet’s nest, right?”
Raphtalia replied.
“Where did you
learn that?” I asked.
She probably heard
it from the slave trader or something. That wouldn’t have surprised me. It
could have been Eclair too. Or maybe it was something Ren had muttered while
they were talking. I probably needed to consider reeducating her from the
ground up. I could teach her that “touching Mr. Naofumi is like kicking the
hornet’s nest,” for example.
“. . . ?”
Gaelion was tagging
along behind me. He had his head tilted way off to the side and was staring at
me with a confused look on his face. I wished he would stop that. It made me
We left the burial
mound behind and made it to the port town shortly after. It definitely had an
Edo period feel to it. But there were also buildings made out of bamboo-like
plants that seemed out of place, but it still felt Japanese. There were trees
with flowers in full bloom that looked just like the cherry blossoms in Japan.
It really added to the atmosphere.
We stood still for
a few moments and then Sadeena pointed to the cherry blossoms.
“That’s a sakura
lumina. It’s a tree that produces this country’s energy. They serve as
lighting, since they glow at night, and they provide energy for all kinds of
equipment,” she said.
“Oh? They can do
all of that? Sure sounds convenient,” I said.
“I’m no expert or
anything, but as far as I know, the trees will only grow within Q’ten Lo. I
heard they tried to plant some in Siltvelt,” she replied.
I wondered just
what kind of tree it was. There might have been some kind of issue with climate
or something. I figured it would be worth seeing if I could bioengineer it to
make it grow elsewhere. Rat probably would have loved the thing. I had a
feeling she could resolve the issues with the bioplant if she got her hands on
one of them.
“Hmm . . .”
I kept spotting
unique decorations that looked like tanuki all over the place. Like that! I saw
one that looked just like one of those lucky cats. It reminded me of Raph-chan.
There were some little tanuki stone statues that looked like the guardian lions
common in Okinawa too. But these tanuki were slightly different than the
ceramic tanuki figures Shigaraki was known for. I don’t know why, but even the
roofs of the buildings made me think of tanuki.
“Mr. Naofumi, why
are your eyes darting around so much?” Raphtalia asked.
“There are so many
distractions. I feel like I’m in some kind of Japanese-themed Raphtalia Land,”
I replied.
“What does that
mean!?” she shouted angrily.
I held a finger to
my mouth and signaled for her to keep her voice down.
“Don’t get so
excited,” I said.
“But—” she began.
“He isn’t really
too far off this time, little Raphtalia,” Sadeena interjected.
Ah, that was right.
Her family did rule over the country, I guess.
“But don’t things
seem really tense here in the town?” I asked.
“Now that you
mention it . . . something does seem off,” Raphtalia replied.
It wasn’t because
of our presence. It felt like the residents were all walking on eggshells or
“Maybe they have
wanted posters up with sketches on them or something,” I said.
I saw a signboard
and headed over to see what was on it. But I couldn’t read it, of course. It
looked like the same writing I’d seen in Siltvelt.
“Sadeena, do you
know what this says?” I asked.
“Let’s see . . .”
Sadeena looked at
the writing and furrowed her brow. It was rare for her to respond like that.
And then—
I suddenly heard a
little kid scream. I looked over to see a huge bee called an “orange needle
B”—that had to be a joke—pop up from out of nowhere and attack a kid. The
residents were all just cowering in fear as they watched. I immediately rushed
over in front of the kid and blocked the orange needle B’s attack.
Before I could give
Raphtalia the order, Sadeena ran over and held her back.
“You take care of
it, little Gaelion! And whatever you do, don’t use your counterattacks, little
Naofumi!” she shouted.
Gaelion leapt at
the orange needle B. Just like Sadeena said, I focused on keeping my shield
from activating any counterattack abilities. Gaelion bit into the orange needle
B and it died.
“Th-thank you,” the
kid said.
“No worries,” I
The surrounding
residents were all staring at me. They were white as a sheet.
“Y-you . . .” one
“Are you not afraid
of the government officials?” another asked.
“Huh?” I replied.
And then several
people wearing expensive-looking hakamas came running over.
“You there! We saw
you kill that monster!” one of them shouted.
Sadeena stepped
forward and addressed the man.
“All he did was
protect a child from a monster. After that, another nearby monster just
happened to eat that monster. That’s all,” she said.
“That’s absurd! Do
you not know the rules of the land?!” the man shouted.
Gaelion looked at
the man with a confused look on his face. What was going on? What were they
talking about?
“Of course we do!
We would never break them. And even I know what kind of monster this is,”
Sadeena replied.
She pointed at the
glass bead on the straw-rope collar that Gaelion was wearing.
“Th-this monster is
a vassal of the water dragon?! Our apologies!” the man said, and the group of
government officials left.
As soon as the
officials were gone, the surrounding residents began to applaud. What in the
world was going on?
“Little Naofumi and
little Raphtalia, we’re drawing too much attention here. Let’s keep moving,”
Sadeena said.
“Uh, okay,” I said.
Raphtalia replied.
Raphtalia ran into
a man who had followed the government officials over. The man seemed to be a rubbernecker.
He looked like he was in his late thirties. His ears looked like dog ears. But
then again, something about the shape was different than Keel’s or Wyndia’s
ears. It was kind of like how there were tiny differences between Raphtalia and
the racoon-type demi-humans. He was probably some race unique to the country.
“Oh my! Are you
alright, little miss?” the man said.
He wrapped his arms
around Raphtalia and caught her before she fell.
“Oh, umm, yes. I’m
fine . . . So you can let go of me!” she said.
forcefully freed herself from the man’s embrace.
“Pardon me. It’s
just that fate brought us together like this, little miss. How about you and I
go somewhere to enjoy a cup of tea or nibble on some dumplings?” the man
“What the hell . .
.” I said.
This bastard was
clearly trying to hit on Raphtalia. I acted extra threatening as I stepped
between Raphtalia and the man. I glared at him.
“That’s my
companion. If you’re trying to pick up girls, go try somewhere else. And think
about your age too,” I continued.
He was clearly old
enough to be her father. Even if demi-humans did initially mature rapidly, they
obviously didn’t age rapidly, judging from Sadeena’s appearance. It only took
one glance to know that this bastard wasn’t anywhere near Raphtalia’s age. I
mean, I guess it was possible that age difference didn’t matter when getting
married in this world, but still . . .
“Come, now. A man
can never grow too old to enjoy the company of a female,” he said.
That bastard . . .
“Oh? Be careful
about getting too feisty. You might just upset little ol’ me,” Sadeena said.
Sparks of lightning
leapt from her skin and she glared at the bastard with a menacing look in her
“We’re in a bit of
a hurry, so off you go,” she added and flashed him a big smile.
But he clearly had
no intention of giving up. This time he grabbed Sadeena’s hand.
“My, oh, my. Aren’t
you the lovely one, little miss? Today is a good day, indeed. To think I would
have the chance to encounter such beautiful ladies!” he said.
We had another
Motoyasu on our hands here. That’s who this bastard reminded me of. Even though
Motoyasu was only obsessed with Filo now. Still, I decided to declare this guy
Motoyasu #2.
“Come, ladies, let
us enjoy a drink together!” he continued.
I guess his kind
were always around, no matter what world you were in.
“I’m sorry, but I
can’t do that. I already have feelings for someone else,” Sadeena replied.
She gripped his
hand tightly and fired off her lightning magic.
The bastard screamed
like a little girl. He nearly folded over backward as he was fried to a crisp,
and then his body crumpled to the ground.
“Y-you’re a rough
one . . . Ha, ha, ha,” he muttered and then lay there completely motionless.
They were really
something—Sadeena and the bastard both.
“Alright, let’s
go,” Sadeena said.
“Uh, yeah . . .” I
guess those government officials didn’t care if we zapped some guy. They were
looking on disappointedly but showed no sign of coming after us. Strange. We
followed Sadeena down a road with fewer people and continued toward the
What the hell is going on?” I asked.
We saved a civilian
by defeating an attacking monster and they scolded us for it. What was up with
“Apparently the
country’s ruler—the Heavenly Emperor—has issued a mandate declaring that all
life must be treasured. In other words, anyone that kills a monster, or any
other living thing, will be severely punished,” Sadeena explained.
“Huh? Like some kind
of law against cruelty toward animals?” I said.
They tried that in
the Edo period and failed. I guess this country had to deal with such a
ridiculous law too. Did they not realize how foolish that was?
“Is there something
like that in your world too, little Naofumi?” Sadeena asked.
“Yeah, there was a
shogun—a king, basically—that supposedly tried something similar a long time
ago in my world,” I said.
After hearing
Sadeena’s explanation, I understood why she had Gaelion kill the monster.
Basically, if one of the townspeople killed a monster, they would be punished.
But Gaelion was a dragon. If a monster killed another monster, there would be
no punishment.
“That ornament the
water dragon left Gaelion sure saved us,” Sadeena said.
“So they can’t
punish a monster that’s considered a vassal of the water dragon?” I asked.
“It was just a
guess, but it worked,” she said.
Gaelion jumped up
on my shoulder. He seemed happy that he’d been able to help out.
“If the monster is
being controlled, then normally the owner would be punished,” she continued.
“So that’s why you
acted like Gaelion was a wild monster. And a vassal of the water dragon, on top
of that,” I said.
I guess the water
dragon was pretty important in Q’ten Lo. I’m sure the Heavenly Emperor, or
whatever, was more important, but bringing the water dragon into it complicated
the matter enough that the officials didn’t want to get involved. Besides,
surely a law protecting all creatures would protect the water dragon too. That
made it a legal gray area.
“It was a bold
move, but it worked since little Gaelion is a dragon,” Sadeena said.
“Me, someone’s
vassal? You insult me,” Gaelion grumbled.
Oh? The adult
Gaelion was speaking again.
“Well, technically,
you do belong to me and Wyndia,” I said.
He groaned. The
baby Gaelion didn’t seem to mind.
“Unbelievable . . .
To think they would have such a terrible law,” Raphtalia said.
“Now it makes sense
why they see you as such a threat to their emperor,” I told her.
By enacting such
ridiculous laws, it puts the emperor out of favor with the people. Of course
the leadership would get antsy if someone from the imperial bloodline showed up
wearing the royal garb when public opinion of the emperor was volatile.
Considering what had happened in my case, it wasn’t hard to guess how the
citizens would respond.
“I have a feeling
I’m starting to really understand how you felt now, Mr. Naofumi,” Raphtalia
“We’re misery
buddies!” I told her.
I understood what
she was going through so clearly it hurt. But my shield had mostly helped
resolve things in my case.
“Either way, this
is the perfect chance. If we play our cards well, overthrowing the current rule
should be easy,” I said.
Judging from
Sadeena’s reaction, this law seemed to be relatively new. And the citizens didn’t
seem to be happy with it, either. Dragging their stupid shogun—emperor in this
case—down from the throne would be more than doable.
“Oh? Does that mean
you have a plan, little Naofumi?” Sadeena asked.
“You could say
that. Regardless, we need to get Filo and the ship with Itsuki and the others
here first,” I replied.
We began preparing
to attack, once we got close to the lighthouse.
Sheesh . . . I’d
been getting really tired of all this assassin business lately. It was time for
them to see how it felt to be the ones attacked! I decided to make sure to go a
bit overboard.
As we approached
the lighthouse, I noticed something. The lighthouse was actually just a wooden
structure built around a massively tall sakura lumina tree to help support it.
“Are we supposed to
burn that thing down?” I asked.
“No. Once we defeat
the guards, we’re supposed to be able to gain access to that sakura lumina,
using the Way of the Dragon,” Gaelion replied.
“Oh yeah?”
Hmm. We were hiding
in an alley and observing the lighthouse when, all of a sudden, some guy who
was wearing what looked like samurai armor came running toward us. That wasn’t
good. Someone must have alerted the officials or something.
“Let’s withdraw.
Just act normal. But move quick. Raphtalia, you get ready to use your
concealment magic,” I said.
Raphtalia replied.
“Oh my . . . I
suppose it does seem like forcing our way in could be difficult,” Sadeena said.
“We could always
destroy the lighthouse. Then I could fly us out of here using my larger form,”
Gaelion suggested.
His strategy could
work too. But there was a risk of being knocked out of the air. If we were
going to force our way in, it was probably best to wait until night and decide
on an escape route beforehand.
We kept moving and
Raphtalia continued reciting the concealment magic incantation so that we could
escape from the samurai warrior.
“Okay, I’ll
activate the spell once we turn that corner,” she said.
“Alright,” I
We hurried around
the corner and Raphtalia cast her magic.
“All Zweite Hide
The concealment
magic embraced us softly. I assumed we’d disappeared. The samurai warrior came
running around the corner and started looking all around for us. Nice! Now we
just needed to leave the area without being noticed and wait for another chance
“I beg of ye,
please show yourselves! I am no enemy of yours!” the man exclaimed.
He suddenly dropped
to the ground and prostrated himself. We moved away several meters and began
whispering to each other. The samurai warrior remained motionless with his
forehead buried in the dirt.
“What do you
think?” I asked.
“Umm . . . I’m not
sure what to think,” Raphtalia replied.
“Well, my intuition
is telling me he doesn’t have ill intentions. He doesn’t seem to be lying, at
least,” Sadeena said.
“Didn’t something
like this happen to you before?” Gaelion asked me.
That reminded me.
Something similar did happen when I was getting ready to go fight the second
wave. It had been the young soldier from Riyute that time, but Gaelion was
right. This guy did seem to be acting the same way.
“It wouldn’t hurt
to hear what he has to say, would it? I’ll make quick work of him if anything
goes wrong,” Sadeena said.
“I have a feeling
this is going to turn into a big headache, but fine,” I said.
I knew that getting
access to the lighthouse was going to be a headache anyway. “Make quick work of
him” made it sound like she was planning on doing something really violent, but
I guess it would be best to see what the guy had to say, regardless.
“Alright then.
Cancel the concealment, Raphtalia,” I said.
Raphtalia canceled
her concealment magic and we reappeared in front of the prostrated samurai
“What do you want
from us?” I asked.
Even though we had
showed ourselves and spoke to him, the samurai warrior remained motionless.
What did he want? I tried asking him, but he didn’t move. I wondered if he was
waiting for me to tell him to raise his head or something.
“Get up from there
and tell us what you want,” I said.
When I said that,
he finally lifted his head off the ground. But what he did next was unexpected.
He looked at Gaelion first, and then Raphtalia, and then placed a hand over his
heart and bowed his head.
“We humbly ask for
thy assistance, soon-to-be Heavenly Empress,” he said.
“Huh? What? Umm . .
. uhh . . .” Raphtalia stammered.
“Explain yourself.
Otherwise, I don’t know what this drunkard companion of mine here is going to
do to you, but I’m sure it’s not going to be pretty,” I said.
“Oh, you!” Sadeena
When I pointed at
her, the samurai warrior shook his head several times as a sign of submission.
Please accompany me to the town mansion, where it should be safe to talk. If
that’s not possible, then I’ll just give you a summary here,” he replied.
“Following you
could lead us to a trap. Give us the short version now. And tell us who you are
too,” I said.
The samurai warrior
nodded, stood up straight, and began to talk.
“My apologies. I
came searching for you by order of my father, who is the mayor of this town,”
he said.
He was the mayor’s
son? I wondered if he could prove that. And what was with his crazy outfit,
anyway? He looked like a samurai warrior on his way to the battlefield.
“I assume Her
Divine Majesty, the next Heavenly Empress, and those of you who accompanied her
from Siltvelt have begun to understand the situation here in Q’ten Lo,” he
“Yeah, I’m guessing
you mean the law against killing monsters,” I replied.
“Yes. It has
garnered nothing but criticism from all throughout Q’ten Lo, and that includes
from my father. But as the mandate comes from the Heavenly Emperor himself, the
government continues to oppress the people. However, one of our aquatic agents
delivered a message from the water dragon earlier, informing us that he had brought
the next Heavenly Empress to Q’ten Lo. I was sent to receive you,” the man
Ah, now I
understood what their objective was.
“Is this how you
found us?” I asked.
I pointed at the
straw rope around Gaelion’s neck and the samurai warrior nodded.
“We understand that
ye still have other companions from Siltvelt that ye wish to get into Q’ten Lo.
I believe we can help you do that successfully, but we should return to the
town mansion to discuss our strategy,” he said.
Hmm, I couldn’t
deny he had information that we hadn’t provided. He had all the facts straight
too. But there was always a possibility it could still be a trap. What to do?
“Sadeena. Gaelion.
If worse comes to worst, can we just burn this town to the ground and run?” I
“Why do you just
assume we’ll have to burn the town down?!” Raphtalia snapped.
“This guy clearly
has connections with agents. I’m just considering the possibility that this
could still be a trap,” I said.
“Oh my!” Sadeena
“I’m sure I could
burn the town down if it came to that. Is that what you want to do?” Gaelion
“Only as a last
resort. I’m hoping we won’t have to,” I said.
The samurai warrior
started trembling.
“P-please stop
thinking about such terrifying things! We’ll never get anywhere if ye don’t
trust me!” he pleaded.
“Yeah, yeah,
alright. But you better not forget—we wouldn’t rule out doing something like
that,” I replied.
“Alas, ’tis etched
into my brain!” he exclaimed.
What was with this
guy’s speech? Surely my shield was translating it properly. But “ye”? He was
using some strange word choices.
“Fine. But before
anything else, take that helmet off and show us your face,” I said.
“As you wish!”
The samurai warrior
took his helmet off and looked up at us. Hmm . . . He was a bird-type demi-human.
His hair reminded me of a falcon—not quite feathers and not quite down. He was
young, perhaps in his early twenties, and had a Japanese air about him. He
wasn’t quite what I would have called handsome. He seemed more like the warrior
type. I guess you could say something about his face made him look like a
brawler. Kind of like a rough-looking samurai.
“Do you have a
tail? Or would that be tail feathers?” I asked.
I circled around
behind him and looked at his back. He quickly covered something with his hands.
“F-forgive me!”
The trembling
samurai warrior took his hands away to reveal something that resembled tail
“Why are you
worried about something like that, Mr. Naofumi?” Raphtalia asked.
“I was just
wondering what kind of demi-human he was,” I replied.
“He’s a shoon,”
Sadeena said.
I stood there
thinking while looking at his tail feathers. “Shoon”? That sounded like another
pronunciation for hayabusa, which was Japanese for falcon. So he was a falcon,
after all.
“So if he’s a
bird-type demi-human, does that mean his arms are wings?” I asked.
Surely he didn’t
have a pair of wings on his back like Filo did in her human form. I remembered
the shusaku demi-humans in Siltvelt having wing-like arms and hands. I bet he
had strong legs too. Kicking was probably his primary mode of attack when
“Umm, how long are
you going to spend analyzing his racial characteristics?” Raphtalia asked.
I snapped back to
reality and suddenly realized that staring at this guy’s tail and analyzing him
wasn’t going to accomplish anything. I coughed nervously.
“Uhh, yeah, I’m
done. Let’s go,” I said.
We followed the
faintly blushing samurai warrior and he led us to the town mansion. It was
definitely a big house. It had a Japanese feel to it, like a big samurai residence
with a traditional Japanese garden. I could hear the quiet thumping sound of
one of those Zen fountains—the ones with a bamboo tube that fell against a rock
every time it emptied itself of water. Hearing that sound in a world other than
my own just felt strange. There was even a rock garden. This place felt even
more Japanese than Kizuna’s world had.
We were taken to a
room with tatami-mat floors. And oh yeah, the samurai warrior’s father was a
therianthrope, so I guess their race could use therianthrope forms. I tried to
guess how old the father would be based on the son’s appearance. Demi-humans
grew at different speeds depending on their levels, so there was really no way
of knowing. Still, I could tell he was getting old even when he was in his bird,
or therianthrope, form.
“Welcome back to
Q’ten Lo, child of the Heavenly Emperor’s rightful heir. Should I call you Miss
Raphtalia?” the man asked.
He prostrated
himself before Raphtalia, almost as if he were praying to her. She seemed
really uncomfortable.
“My name is Raluva.
I’m pleased to make your acquaintance,” he continued.
“I’m Naofumi
Iwatani. I’m not sure it matters here, but I’m the Shield Hero. You seem to
know my companion, Raphtalia. And there’s Sadeena. She’s kind of like her big
sister. The dragon is Gaelion,” I said, introducing everyone.
Raluva approached
Raphtalia and hesitantly tried to peer in at her face through the makeshift
“Would you mind
showing me your face?” he asked in a whisper.
“Uh, umm . . .”
Raphtalia glanced
over at me. I sighed and nodded. She removed the sheet and showed Raluva her
face and tail. He gasped and bowed his head.
Sadeena had nodded
when she heard Raluva’s name.
“I know who you
are. You were close to little Raphtalia’s father and helped him escape,” she
suddenly spoke up.
“You must be the
water dragon’s former miko priestess. Do you not remember seeing me?” he asked.
“I remember meeting
you right before we left the country,” she said.
Raluva met eyes
with Sadeena and nodded. He must have originally been one of Raphtalia’s
father’s followers.
“So let’s get
straight to the point. What is your objective?” I asked.
Raluva raised his
head and looked at me.
“Are you asking
what we would like from you all? That goes without saying. We would like Miss
Raphtalia to take her rightful place as the true Heavenly Empress of Q’ten Lo.
The responsibility of the throne is clearly too great for the branch family to
bear. These senseless laws are causing our people immense suffering,” he
Hmm, from the way
the conversation was going, our interests seemed to be aligned for the most
“My family and the
people of Q’ten Lo are prepared to provide any assistance needed in order to
make that happen,” he continued.
“And are you
already familiar with our situation?” I asked.
Raluva shook his
head. Ah, so he’d only gotten orders from the water dragon to make it clear
they were willing to do what we asked.
“Let’s start by
clearing that up. So you have no idea why we came here in the first place,
right?” I continued.
He probably just
assumed that Raphtalia—the orphaned child of the man he once knew—lamented the
current state of her country and that’s why she had returned. If we didn’t make
our situation clear to him, they might try to put Raphtalia on the throne. Then
they might just continue on with their policy of isolation, even after we
managed to overthrow the current rule.
The negotiations
had begun. I had to consider the possibility that someone who was now an ally
could still become an enemy once we’d won the fight.
“You may not know
this, since this country is cut off from the rest of the world, but the outside
world is dealing with some complicated issues right now,” I said.
“I know that much.
This town does trade with Siltvelt and I am the mayor, after all,” he replied.
I guess that meant
he knew about the waves too.
“I also know that
you are the one known as the Shield Hero outside of Q’ten Lo,” he continued.
“Well that should
make things easier. We came to this country to defeat the people who are after
Raphtalia’s life. We intend to leave once we’ve accomplished that,” I said.
Raluva and his
friends might not want to hear that. But giving it to him straight and risking
a breakdown of negotiations now would be better than ending up fighting about
it later on. Actually, leaving things in the hands of someone they favored
after we’d resolved our issue was an option too.
“We are aware of
that. Indeed, the Heavenly Emperor or Empress exists for the people and for the
world. The rotten puppet government we have at present pushes the boundaries of
foolishness. Now more than ever, I understand why Miss Raphtalia’s father felt
that way,” Raluva replied.
Oh? I liked the
sound of that answer. I didn’t know what his true intentions were, but it
should still be easy to use him.
“The barrier around
this country is our point of contact with the outside world. We wish to dispose
of the government officials who have recently seized control of that barrier,”
he continued.
The officials had
apparently been using their authority to mess with the barrier that was
blocking the entry of the Siltvelt ship. Raluva didn’t like those officials, so
he was proposing Raphtalia lead a revolution. That meant that malcontent among
the citizens, and this mayor who represented them, had grown unbearable and
they were ready to explode.
“Mr. Naofumi,
you’re smiling,” Raphtalia said.
“Look Raphtalia,
your miko outfit is ready!” I exclaimed.
“Why are you so
I’d asked them to
prepare a miko outfit for Raphtalia, and Raluva’s son had just brought in the
“This miko outfit
is designed to resemble the one said to have been presented to the Heavenly
Emperor by the water dragon in ancient times. I hope it pleases you,” Raluva
I unfolded the
outfit and looked it over. The colors were a bit different, but it was still a
miko outfit.
Outfit of the Water Dragon
impact resistance
(small), slash resistance (small), water resistance (medium), dive time up,
magic defense processing, parry
stats weren’t quite as good as the White Tiger Miko Outfit from Kizuna’s world,
but it was still a really nice piece of equipment, although it didn’t offer
much in the way of defense. Maybe the assumption was that the user wouldn’t get
“Go on, Raphtalia,”
I said.
it on! I thought as I handed her the outfit.
“Why do I feel like
I’m being tricked into something?” she replied.
“You know this is
the only way, right?” I told her.
“Well . . . Yes, I
guess I do.”
“Come on, little
Raphtalia. I’ll help you put it on,” Sadeena said.
Raphtalia went with
Sadeena to go change in another room.
“In any case, if
you say you want to start a revolution, then you need to be ready to put your
money where your mouth is!” I told Raluva.
“Of course! We
would not be making such a proposal otherwise!” he replied.
A group of fierce-looking
warriors, ready for combat, entered the room. He must have instructed them to
gather at the mansion beforehand. It would be foolish not to take advantage of
this! I’m sure they had other objectives in mind too, but our interests were
still aligned. If they tried to cause us any trouble later on, we could just
deal with them when the time came.
“Good! Listen up,
men! I’ll be commanding you on behalf of Raphtalia! We’re about to go full
metal jacket on this oppressive government of yours! If you’re ready to do
that, then join me!” I howled.
The men all roared
out affirmatively. I was confident things were starting to go our way now.
“We’ll start by
bringing reinforcements to the town from Siltvelt. After that, we advance at
full speed!” I continued.
The men let out
another rallying cry. They were itching to go to war. Gaelion climbed up onto
my shoulder.
“They really took
the bait,” he said.
“Sure did,” I
This kind of thing
was all about momentum. The country’s leadership foolishly assumed that
Raphtalia intended to seize control of Q’ten Lo just because she happened to
put on a miko outfit. They stuck their noses where they didn’t belong, and they
did it at a time when their current Heavenly Emperor was already losing
credibility because of his own foolish actions. They’d sealed their own fate.
If they wanted us to seize control so bad, then we would. I would show them
that it was their own foolishness that brought about their downfall.

by my determination, I was already cooking up a strategy when Raphtalia and
Sadeena returned.
“We’re back,”
Raphtalia said.
I looked at her
miko outfit and nodded several times. Damn, that looked good on her.
“You sure do look
good in a miko outfit, little Raphtalia. I guess it only makes sense that you
would, though,” Sadeena said.
“Even so, I still
think Mr. Naofumi likes miko outfits far too much,” Raphtalia replied.
She just had to get
a complaint in. When the men I’d been rallying saw Raphtalia, their mouths
dropped open and they fell to the floor and prostrated themselves before her.
Huh? What were they thinking?
“Your Divine
“We are at your
“Now I’m certain
we’re doing what’s right for Q’ten Lo!”
“Risking our lives
is the right decision! Yes!”
“As warriors, it is
our duty to fight to the bitter end for Her Divine Majesty, Raphtalia, the
Heavenly Empress!”
Things were
starting to get out of hand now!
“I guess it’s your
turn to be catapulted into the limelight, Raphtalia. Be sure to give Filo and
Atla a run for their money,” I said.
Filo was actually
pretty popular at the taverns. I wouldn’t mind seeing Raphtalia charm the
audiences every now and then too.
“I don’t want to
give anyone a run for their money! I know I have to do this, but why does
everyone have to bow when I’m dressed like this?!” Raphtalia exclaimed.
I decided to ignore
her whining.
“Come, Raphtalia,
these men await your orders! They’ll happily leap headlong into the jaws of
death for you!” I shouted.
“No thank you! I
don’t want to bear that responsibility,” she replied.
“Warriors of Q’ten
Lo, let us overthrow this rotten government of yours! In the name of God! For
the people!” I roared.
I figured I’d stir
them up a bit. This is exactly what I had to deal with in Siltvelt. I could
totally sympathize with Raphtalia, but I felt like mimicking Atla at the
“Proud citizens of
Q’ten Lo! If you truly believe in the Heavenly Empress, then now is the time to
prove your loyalty!” I continued.
The men all howled
in unison.
“Mr. Naofumi! Stop
acting like Atla! Everyone, don’t let Mr. Naofumi’s words—”
Before Raphtalia
could finish her sentence, the thoroughly worked-up group of warriors sprang to
their feet and rushed out of the room. Raphtalia held her head in her hands and
looked on in disbelief.
“Don’t worry, I’ll
make sure none of them get killed. I want you to be careful too, Raphtalia. The
battle has only just begun,” I said.
“Now I’m really
starting to get excited!” Sadeena exclaimed.
She sounded like
she belonged to a tribe of warmongers or something.
Gaelion was fired
up too. Now if either he or Sadeena could just access the sakura lumina at the
lighthouse, we could disable the barrier that was keeping Siltvelt’s ships out.
We had to give it a shot.
“Understood. If an
obstacle can’t be avoided, then we’ll just have to smash through it,” Raphtalia
She sighed and
followed me toward the door.
“Besides, I
wouldn’t mind learning more about my father,” she added.
“I’m sure you’ll
get plenty of chances to do that. Let’s just do our best to keep our losses at
a minimum while maximizing damage on their side,” I replied.
If we barged in
with this many people, we should be able to overwhelm them, even if these
warriors weren’t that tough.
“I’m a lot stronger
than I was before I left this country too. I should be able to play the part of
a small army,” Sadeena said.
She spun her
harpoon around cheerfully.
“I’m counting on
it,” I replied.
Her origin story
was still basically one big mystery, but she was strong enough that she’d been
able to turn the tables on pretty much every attacker we’d faced so far. There
was a lot we didn’t know about the enemy’s equipment too. But worrying about
that all day wasn’t going to get us anywhere. We’d just have to round up what
support we could and overthrow the government! Just like when I’d essentially
conquered Melromarc!
“Heh . . . It’s
never a dull moment with you,” Gaelion muttered.
look of excitement in his eyes really stayed with me.
left the samurai residence and headed toward the lighthouse as one big group,
charging through the entrance when we arrived.
“Who goes there?!
This is a sacred place under governmental control by authority of the Heavenly
Emperor!” announced a guard.
As soon as we
entered, a group of enemy soldiers rushed over with weapons in hand. Did they
really think telling a group of insurgents something like that would make any
“Heavenly Emperor,
you say?! Nonsense! This is the true Heavenly Empress! Your emperor is but a
fraud from the branch family! Do you not understand the difference?!” Raluva
He pointed at
Raphtalia as he spoke. The aura of power surrounding Raphtalia in her miko
outfit—and the attractiveness of it—must have had a powerful effect, because
the enemy demi-humans and therianthropes all began whispering amongst
“Do not waver!
Surely the child of a false emperor, who abandoned our country, cannot be
called the true Heavenly Emperor! Cut them down at once!” shouted some
high-and-mighty frog therianthrope.
On our way to the
lighthouse, I’d seen several rabbit-types and a whole variety of different
races of demi-humans and therianthropes. And it occurred to me that this place
was like a scene straight out of the Scrolls of Frolicking
Animals from Kozan-ji Temple in Kyoto.
“Mr. Naofumi,
please focus on the battle!” Raphtalia snapped.
She scolded me just
as things were about to blow up.
“Attack! Take the
rebels’ heads off! And don’t forget we have a holder of a spirit implement
here! Use the proper weapons!”
There was that
wording again! The people opposing us in this country definitely had anti-hero
“Permission granted
to attack all hostiles! That includes the false god from a foreign land!”
“Shooting Star
Shield!” I shouted.
One of the enemies
charged forward and thrust his spear at us. My Shooting Star Shield barrier
activated and blocked the attack, but just as I suspected, the effectiveness of
my skills was reduced against these enemies—the barrier shattered instantly.
I hope they didn’t
expect me to just be content with having my barrier shattered every time. I
figured this might happen, so I’d spent some time making some new accessories
while I was in Siltvelt. Fortunately, Rat had a good idea of how to tinker with
their effects, since she was an alchemist.
As soon as Shooting
Star Shield shattered, bright flashes of light began shooting out of the
“Wh-what is that?!”
“Now!” I shouted.
I focused and cast
Zweite Aura on Raphtalia.
“You’ve got this,
little Raphtalia! Remember what we did in training!” Sadeena exclaimed.
“I will!”
Raphtalia crouched
down and prepared to unleash a quick-draw attack. In a flash, she cut down the
enemy standing in front of me and then charged toward the other soldiers
without so much as a pause.
“Everyone! Do not
falter! It doesn’t matter how many enemies there are! Only one of them is our
true target!” the frog shouted.
“Come now, do you
really think I’ll just let you ignore me?” I taunted.
“I can’t have you
forgetting about me either!” Sadeena exclaimed.
She began casting a
spell while helping protect Raphtalia.
I knew that one of
the first things they did when they attacked the village was to try to size up
me and Sadeena. Surely they didn’t think I wouldn’t take that into
consideration. They might’ve had ways to deal with the heroes, but Sadeena was
just plain strong. They would be forced to fight her like a normal enemy.
Judging from the assassins we’d faced so far, they only had a handful of
comparable fighters, at best. And I could tell straight away that none of them
were here.
Raluva’s son drew
his katana and cut down an approaching enemy, determined not to be left behind.
He handled himself better than I’d expected. Maybe the demi-humans and
therianthropes born in Q’ten Lo were naturally strong fighters.
“I didn’t know you
could do that,” Raphtalia whispered.
She was observing
and analyzing Raluva’s katana technique. His stance was slightly different than
the one Sadeena had taught her. It was probably just a different style.
“The style I taught
you is from where I grew up. It’s called Form of the Sea God,” Sadeena said.
She watched Raluva
carefully for a moment as he swung his katana.
“That style is
called the Blossom of Q’ten. It’s worth paying attention to,” she continued.
Raluva channeled
magic power into his blade and closed in on his opponent rapidly. He swiftly
passed under the opponent’s arm as he delivered his attack, ending up behind
“Gah . . .”
Raluva shook the
blood from his blade, and the droplets transformed into cherry blossom petals
and floated away on the wind. Now that was impressive. But I seemed to remember
Raphtalia having a similar skill.
“That reminds me of
your Powder Snow skill, Raphtalia,” I said.
“It does look
similar. You’ll be pretty formidable if you learn that style along with the one
I taught you, little Raphtalia,” Sadeena replied.
I guess she’d seen
Raphtalia’s Powder Snow skill too. Now that I thought about it, I did seem to
remember them firing off skills during their training.
“Add the Hengen
Muso style to that and you’ll be unbeatable,” I said.
“According to
Eclair and the master, Hengen Muso techniques are meant to be applied to other
attacks, so it’s actually better to learn another style,” Raphtalia replied.
Yeah, I remembered
the old lady mentioning that. She said the good thing about the Hengen Muso
style was that it could be applied to any school or style of fighting.
“Umm, like this?
And then . . .” Raphtalia mumbled to herself.
She was trying to
mimic Raluva’s movements. He turned and bowed to her.
“If you so desire,
I would be happy to teach you the style, Miss Raphtalia,” he said.
“Oh, umm . . .
Please do. I’m sure it would help in future battles,” she replied.
Just then, a bear
therianthrope who seemed to be the frog’s boss came out from somewhere further
within the lighthouse.
“How long are you
all going to fool around?! You still haven’t eliminated the false empress! And
you call yourselves warriors of Q’ten Lo?!” he roared.
He launched at us
with a winged spear in hand. He was fast. At the very least, he handled himself
better than any of the other enemies in the room.
He thrust his spear
into one of our nearby men and sent him flying before I could even react. The
injury didn’t seem to be fatal, though. I caught the man and then held my shield
up while I cast healing magic on him.
“You pathetic god
of Siltvelt with your spirit implement! You have a lot of nerve bringing the
false empress here! It’s time for you to experience the power of the true
Heavenly Emperor’s blessing!” the bear roared.
He thrust the
winged spear into the ground and began reciting some kind of incantation.
Something like a big cage formed, enclosing the lighthouse and the surrounding
area. It was the same shade of pink as the cherry blossoms. It covered a rather
large area—perhaps 100 meters across.
“This barrier . . .
That’s a sakura stone of destiny barrier! Are they really going to use that
here?!” Raluva exclaimed with a horrified look on his face.
“What’s that?” I
Now that I thought
about it, the assassins had mentioned those before when they attacked the
village. Something about not bringing any with them. Sadeena didn’t know what
they were either, apparently.
“The sakura stones
of destiny are special items that weaken spirit implements while also maximally
raising the abilities of anyone who has received the Heavenly Emperor’s
blessing. Please be careful!” Raluva replied.
Before he’d even
finished speaking, something like a pink force field sped by, combing the whole
“Wh-what was that?”
I said.
Oh damn. My shield
sparked. I felt a sensation like an electrical shock shoot from my shield into
my body and radiate outward from head to toe. My body suddenly felt heavy.
“Th-this is . . .”
Raphtalia’s voice trailed off.
She must have been
feeling something similar, because the weight of her katana seemed to be
pulling her to the side ever so slightly.
“Aww . . . It looks
like the boosts you gave us have ceased functioning, little Naofumi,” said
I checked Sadeena’s
stats. They were quite a bit lower than I remembered them being. That really
complicated things.
“Now then, let’s do
this!” the bear roared.
He deftly swung the
winged spear up overhead and charged at us at an incredible speed. Shit! I was
going to block the attack with my shield, but my gut reaction was to hop to the
side and dodge instead. Instantly, I realized that had been the right move.
First of all, the bear therianthrope was now moving about three times faster
than before. Second, his attack power must have increased too, because his
spear split the floor open and caused a small explosion. Just how much had his
stats gone up?!
“Zweite Aura!”
I tried buffing
myself to help make up for my reduced stats, but the spell didn’t activate. Did
that mean those stones even prevented heroes from using magic?! Just to be
sure, I tried casting Guard.
“Zweite Guard!”
That one worked
without a problem. No way! I guess the barrier prevented the use of any type of
magic that only heroes could use. If that were the case, it would be iffy
whether I could even use cooperative magic! Not that I actually had the leeway
to even try casting any at the moment.
“Hurry up and
finish off these traitors!” the bear shouted.
Their objective was
to kill Raphtalia. I held my shield up to protect her. The enemies unleashed a
chorus of battle cries. Damnit! What was I supposed to do in a situation like
“Little Naofumi!”
Sadeena shouted.
The bear
therianthrope and his men rushed at me, brandishing their anti-hero weapons.
And then Sadeena finished reciting her incantation.
“As the source of your
power, I command you! Let the true way be revealed once more! Lightning! Strike
down and penetrate those before me!”
“All Drifa Chain
A bolt of
high-voltage lightning pierced through all of the enemies in front of me.
“What?!” growled
the bear.
He diverted the
lightning with his spear and leapt at Sadeena.
“I don’t care who
you are! I’ll protect little Raphtalia and little Naofumi no matter what!” she
“I can’t have
everyone forgetting about me,” Gaelion said.
While holding on to
Sadeena from behind, he unleashed a breath attack that looked like a highly
condensed heat-ray. The attack caught the bear off guard and hit him directly
in the face.
“Gah! That was just
dirty!” the bear growled.
“Dirty is my
specialty. I usually just talk dirty, but I can play dirty too,” Sadeena
replied with a wink.
She began
transforming into her therianthrope form. The bear watched, speechless, as her
body ballooned up.
“Now then, how
about you and I have a little showdown? It’s been more than ten years since I
left this country. I’m looking forward to seeing what its best warriors have to
offer these days!” she exclaimed.
“You’re the
priestess of carnage! Do you dare oppose us with those defiled hands of
yours?!” the bear growled.
“Oh, but I do. And
I think I’ll start by giving you a taste of that carnage,” Sadeena replied.
She glanced over at
me and Raphtalia. She was trying to tell us this was our chance to figure
something out. It was a bit depressing to think that I could tell what Sadeena
wanted to say from a single glance now.
I tried to think of
what our most effective attack in a situation like this would be. They’d put up
some kind of barrier around us, our weapons weren’t functioning, and we
couldn’t use our skills. In that case, we’d just have to rely on normal
techniques and strategy.
“Can you keep
going, Raphtalia?” I asked.
“Fighting is no
problem,” she replied.
Raluva and his men,
along with Sadeena and Gaelion, were managing to hold the enemy back, but that
didn’t change the fact we were at a disadvantage. They were after Raphtalia’s
life and my shield had completely ceased functioning. It wasn’t that I couldn’t
fight, but all I could do was defend and now I couldn’t even use my skills. I
couldn’t use a good portion of my magic either. There wasn’t really much that I
could do in a situation like this.
“Die, false
empress!” screamed one of the enemies.
“Not on my watch!”
I shouted.
The enemy swung his
katana and I parried it with my shield. I grabbed him by the collar and
Raphtalia sliced into him instantly, as if by reflex.
My Demon Dragon
Shield had a counterattack effect called “C demon bullet” and it seemed to be
activating, but the effect was negligible now. Countering would be difficult, I
guess. And relying on the Shield of Wrath was too dangerous. In the end, my
fighting style depended almost completely on my shields.
Was there really
nothing else I could do? Not being able to use my skills had suddenly exposed
my own shortcomings. This was an issue I would need to address.
“Take this, false
empress and holder of the evil spirit implement!” shouted the frog.
He and one of his
men fired off their magic at me and Raphtalia.
“Drifa Aqua Slash!”
“Drifa Rock Blast!”
A highly condensed
stream of water and mass of boulders both came flying straight at us
simultaneously. I suddenly recalled the time Melty had surprised me with an
unexpected magical attack. I was confident my shield wasn’t going to break,
even if an attack was so powerful that it pierced the shield and managed to
injure me. I tried to remember how exactly I’d parried Melty’s magic.
“Not happening!” I
I held my shield
up. I then focused my attention and . . . I still didn’t completely understand
life force, but I did my best to channel it into the shield. And then I swung
the shield up as hard as I could. The magic hit my shield and went flying off
in a different direction. I needed to adjust the angle! I intensified my
concentration and managed to send the attacks flying toward the bear therianthrope,
who was engaged in mortal combat with Sadeena.
“Hell yeah!” I
“What?! Damn you!”
the bear growled.
“Oh, no you don’t!”
Sadeena exclaimed.
The bear tried to
dodge, but Sadeena held him in place and used him as a shield against the magic.
That probably hurt
at least a little bit.
“Ha! You come up
with the strangest ideas, little Naofumi,” Sadeena said.
“I figured I could
pull it off, and I guess I did,” I replied.
“You parried their
magic and used it against me?!” the bear growled.
But he wasn’t ready
to give up. He shoved Sadeena away.
“Hmph! I’m
impressed that you managed to put up any fight at all. That was unexpected,” he
He was smiling, but
I could tell he was upset. He must have been up to something.
“I wonder if you
outsiders are familiar with this technique. It’s a secret technique whose use
is permitted only for those who can draw power from the sakura stones of
destiny,” he continued.
Raluva looked at
the bear therianthrope and turned as white as a sheet.
“Impossible! Have
you really been permitted to go that far?! Miss Raphtalia! Shield Hero! You
must leave at once!” he exclaimed.
“It’s too late!”
the bear roared.
Several of his men
had been reciting incantations and as soon as he finished speaking they placed
their palms together, as if praying.
“Heavenly Emperor, we act
on your behalf as pacifiers! Let our whole beings become our blade! We combine
our power with yours to bestow upon the foolish a fate of destruction!”
“Astral Enchant!”
I could see
something flowing from their bodies into the bear’s winged spear. In return,
they began to fall over limp, one after the other.
“Wh-what the . . .”
I mumbled.
“Hmph! This battle
is as good as over! Take this!” the bear shouted.
As soon as he
finished speaking, he seemed to blur as he came speeding toward us. My shield
may not have been functioning like usual, but he wasn’t moving so fast that I
couldn’t react! I read his movements and prepared to block the attack.
Fortunately, my shield was able to block his winged spear successfully. I
grabbed the shaft of his spear and gripped it as tightly as I possibly could,
determined to keep hold of it no matter what.
“Is that all you’ve
got?!” the bear thundered.
His strength must
have increased exponentially, because he swung the spear up into the air with
ease. I was jerked off the ground and went smashing into the wall, but I wasn’t
going to let go! Just how powerful had this bastard become, though?! He
probably could’ve defeated the Spirit Tortoise on his own now!
“Mr. Naofumi!”
Raphtalia called out.
“Don’t worry about
me! Just be ready to attack!” I shouted.
Raphtalia gripped
her katana and prepared to attack. I was glad she always responded so quickly.
“I don’t like being
ignored!” said Sadeena.
“I can’t have you
forgetting me either!” Gaelion added.
Our whole group was
doing their best to restrain the bear, but they couldn’t stop him. I’d avoided
any serious injuries so far, thanks to my shield, but I had no idea how long I
could last like this.
“What the hell is
with this guy?! Is this because of that magic they cast?” I asked.
“Yes. That was
Astral Enchant. It’s specialized protective combat magic that allows one or
more casters who have been blessed to imbue all of their stats upon someone who
has received a high-level blessing from the Heavenly Emperor,” Raluva
That was not what I
wanted to hear.
“I never would have
imagined he’d received such a high-level blessing,” Raluva continued.
But what he said
reminded me of something. It sounded a lot like the buff I’d given Fohl just
“Here I go! Hold
him for me, little Naofumi!” Sadeena said.
“Got it!”
I planted my feet
on the ground and crouched down low, holding the bear in place. But twenty or
thirty seconds was probably my limit. After that he’d start swinging me around
like a ragdoll.
“You just don’t
know when to give up!” he roared.
Sadeena charged her
harpoon with electricity and lunged forward powerfully, thrusting the harpoon
at the bear. There was a heavy thud as it smashed directly into him—or so I
thought, but it had crashed into a thin protective barrier similar to that of
my Shooting Star Shield skill.
“Ugh . . . That
thing sure is tough,” Sadeena said.
Just as her attack
landed, blood began oozing out of the mouths of the enemy soldiers lying limp
on the ground around us.
“How dare you
injure my men!” the bear growled.
I guess that meant
they were sharing their very life force with him. Combining the full abilities
of multiple men would indeed make for an impressive soldier.
And then Raphtalia
finished channeling magic power into her katana.
“Eight Trigrams . .
Huh? A magic circle
formed around her and began sparking, as if attempting to obstruct the skill.
“Everything okay?”
I asked.
“Yes. Something is
trying to interfere—probably the power of the sakura stone of destiny,” she
“Are you going to
be alright? Don’t overdo it,” I said.
“It’s not a
problem. That won’t stop me! Watch out everyone! Blade of Destiny!”
She unsheathed her
katana in quick-draw fashion and a rippling beam of light shot out of the
blade, slicing through all of the enemies in the area.
“Like I’d let that
hit me! You take it, spirit implement holder!” the bear thundered.
He swung his spear
in an attempt to use me as a shield against Raphtalia’s attack.
“No thanks,” I
I let go of the
spear and jumped behind the dumbfounded bear. I held him in a full nelson and
forced him to take the full brunt of the attack.
“Ugh . . .”
Aside from myself,
everyone else in our group crouched down and avoided the attack.
“You squirrelly
little bastard!” the bear growled.
I’d managed to
withstand the attack since I was behind the bear, but it definitely hurt.
Taking it head-on would’ve killed me.
I was putting all
of my past experience—and my training with Atla, in particular—into play now. I
could dodge if the bear tried to attack me, and I could drag him down to
interfere if he tried to attack Raphtalia. But how the hell was I supposed to
stop this monster? The thought of there being even more powerful enemies to
come made my head spin.
And then, all of a
sudden, the same pattern produced by Raphtalia’s Eight Trigrams Blade of
Destiny attack appeared on the trunk of the sakura lumina.
“Could it be?!
Little Gaelion! Touch the sakura lumina!” Sadeena shouted.
She grabbed Gaelion,
who had been perched on her back providing combat support, and hurled him at
the tree.
“Watch how you
treat me!” he grumbled.
Gaelion flew
straight to the pattern on the sakura lumina.
“Ah, now I see.
Like this,” he said.
The straw rope
around his neck began to glow, and whatever power had enveloped the bear
therianthrope seemed to weaken.
“What?! The power
of the sakura stone of destiny is dissipating?!” he said.
I guess that was
one more thing the sakura lumina could do. By seizing control of the tree, we
had successfully weakened the opponent.
“It looks like I
managed to weaken that nifty power of theirs,” Gaelion said.
He continued to
access the sakura lumina.
“I’ve just disabled
the barrier to the outside world. I’ve also made it so that the tree cannot be
accessed for a short period of time. All that’s left is to finish the enemy
off,” he continued.
Was that supposed
to be good news? We’d completed our original objective, but we still hadn’t
defeated this monster. And then . . .
“Use these!”
objects came flying at us from behind. Without hesitation, I caught the one
coming at me. And when I did, my shield sparked again.
copy system activated.
Stone of Destiny Shield conditions unlocked!
Stone of Destiny Shield 0/ 100 C
special equip
effect: spirit blessing, status chain, blossom blaze
mastery level: 0
shield in my hand was the most intricate and finely crafted shield I’d ever
seen. It was round, with a design that resembled the yin-yang symbol.
Decorative cherry blossoms were inscribed along the edges and there was a jewel
set in the center, like the one on my legendary shield. A large cherry blossom
hovered faintly over the jewel like a hologram. It was strangely beautiful. I
could only imagine there was something magical about the jewel and I wondered
if perhaps it was one of the sakura stones of destiny.

holding the shield, I could already tell that its basic stats were high. How
strange. I’d never felt anything like that before. From my own legendary
shield, perhaps, but not from an original shield used to make a copy. When the
copy completed, a list of categories appeared.
stat bonuses
growth adjustments
mastery level
spirit enchants
status enchants
item enchants
job level
categories were all grayed out. I selected “skills” and the category lit up and
“remaining: 4” dropped to “3.” There was no doubt about it. This was an ability
that could cancel out restrictions on the heroes’ weapons made by the sakura
stones of destiny. It must have been the “spirit binding limited release 1” equip
It wasn’t easy to
decide, but I selected “skills,” “magic,” “stat bonuses,” and “growth
adjustments” and then confirmed the selection. My shield sparked again, and I
felt power flood back into my body. The only problem was that the shield’s abilities
were locked, so I couldn’t switch to another shield.
I checked my status
screen again and noticed that the stats of the shield itself had changed too.
Maybe that had something to do with the “status chain” special equip effect. It
didn’t look like I had any materials on-hand that I could use to power the
shield up, but that ability was still sealed off anyway.
“You bastard!” the
bear growled.
There was an
expression of surprise on his face as he looked at the person who had just
shown up and tossed us the weapons. It was the same bastard that tried to hit
on Raphtalia! What the hell? But aside from the shield and katana he’d thrown
at me and Raphtalia, he was passing out all kinds of equipment to everyone in
our group.
“If you use those,
your stats should get a boost even inside of the sakura stone of destiny
barrier,” he said.
“I-I see!” one of
the men replied.
The men gripped
their new weapons and prepared to attack the bear therianthrope. Raphtalia did
the same. But even if I could copy weapons, my legendary shield wouldn’t allow
me to equip the original, so I threw the shield I’d caught to a nearby ally.
“I should be able
to put up a bit of a fight now. Let’s try this again!” Raphtalia exclaimed.
“Oh? I’m suddenly
feeling a bit feisty,” Sadeena said.
“Yes, it seems the
effects of the growth adjustments have been partially restored,” Gaelion
We still hadn’t
defeated the enemy, but there was no doubt that our situation had taken a turn
for the better. Now to use this momentum to pressure the enemy!
“Bastard! You dare
betray us?!” the bear growled angrily at the skirt-chaser scumbag.
“Betray? Oh, come
now. You misunderstand. It’s true that I made those weapons. I needed the
money, so I accepted the order. But I’m no patriot,” he replied.
“And why are you
helping this false god of another country and the false empress?! Answer
carefully or face certain death!” the bear thundered.
His incredible
bloodlust was palpable as he glared threateningly at the skirt chaser standing
behind us. But the skirt chaser just shrugged and responded casually.
“You really don’t
know? Come on, think about it,” he said.
He then stomped his
foot down, clenched his hand into a fist, and shouted at the top of his lungs.
“If I have to pick
between a whiny little brat and a beautiful young lady to be the Heavenly
Emperor or Empress I worship, you bet your ass I’m going to pick the beautiful
young lady!”
His voice echoed
throughout the area. An awkward silence followed, and everyone just stared at
the skirt chaser. Was he really that dense? And what the hell kind of
proclamation was that, anyway?
Raphtalia and I
were staring at him in disbelief, when all of a sudden he turned to us with a
really smug look on his face . . . Hm? That was the same face Motoyasu had made
when he first met Raphtalia. The skirt chaser strolled up to Raphtalia and
kissed her on the hand.
“We met earlier,
didn’t we, little miss? You seemed to be in a bind, so I thought I would loan
you some equipment to help out. Please use these weapons to slay that tyrannical
government lapdog,” he said.
He probably thought
he was acting like a gentleman, but his complete lack of refinement shined
through clearly. “Please slay him”? Was that supposed to be classy?
“Umm, okay . . .”
she muttered.
This bastard really
pissed me off. But he had helped us in a really big
way, so I couldn’t complain. Oh, hell yes, I could!
“Who do you think
you are?!” I shouted.
“Oh! And you must
be the other young lady from earlier. You’re just as beautiful in your
therianthrope form,” he continued.
“Oh?” Sadeena
Wow. He was hitting
on Sadeena in her therianthrope form. Even Motoyasu hadn’t tried to flirt with
Filo in her filolial form before he went nuts. They were like two models of the
same product, and this one was an even more pathetic version.
After standing
there flabbergasted for a few moments, the bear therianthrope began shaking
with anger. His face turned a bright shade of red and he screamed out.
“You blundering
He charged straight
for Raphtalia and the skirt chaser like a battle tank at full throttle. I
stepped between them and held my shield up. And then I tried a little
“Air Strike
Shield!” I shouted.
The skill hadn’t
functioned before because of the sakura stone of destiny barrier. But now my
Air Strike Shield appeared in front of my eyes.
The bear sliced
through my Air Strike Shield like it was a toy. But it hadn’t been completely
effortless like before. I knew that because sparks flew when his spear made
contact. The shield had simply been destroyed because my stats were too low at
the moment. In that case, there was only one thing left to do.
“Second Shield!
Dritte Shield! Chain Shield! E Float Shield!”
I produced two more
shields and linked them with chains to restrict the bear’s movement. Then I
used E Float Shield to obstruct his vision.
“Pathetic!” he
As soon as I
restricted him, he jerked on the chains and tore them to pieces. But his
movements seemed too slow. I wondered if status chain had something to do with
“The Heavenly
Empress is relying on us! Don’t waste this chance!” Raluva shouted.
He and the other
men all simultaneously began firing off their magic and skills at the bear.
Several of them used spells to reduce his stats and ice magic to restrict his
movement. His strategy had backfired. We could all focus our attacks on a
single fighter. The bear’s men had already been removed from the fight and
couldn’t even provide backup.
“Raphtalia,” I
“What is it?” she
“We know of skills
and techniques that are even more effective against an enemy with increased
stats, right? Can you use any of those yet?” I asked.
Those attacks were
Atla’s specialty and I was still in the middle of learning how to deal with
them. But Raphtalia had been sparring with Atla a lot recently, so I was sure
she had at least been dabbling with such techniques.
“Yes. I can’t do
anything like Atla or the master, but I can use one,” she said.
I told her to get
ready and she began preparing to attack.
“Alright!” I
Now we just needed
to boost her stats, pure and simple. I motioned for Sadeena to come over to me
and we began casting our cooperative magic. I’d become fairly proficient with
the Way of the Dragon, so I could do the incantation rather quickly now.
“You help too,
Gaelion. I know you can give an extra boost,” I said.
“You do, do you? I
guess I’ll just have to pitch in then,” he replied.
The straw rope that
Gaelion was wearing as a collar began to glow. The magical puzzle pieces faded
into sight and we all began linking them together at incredible speed. But we
each still had to do a lot of the work on our own too.
“Hmph!” grunted the
He overpowered the
interfering magic with brute force, brandished his spear, and went charging
forward at Raphtalia and the skirt chaser behind her. I finished my part of the
cooperative magic incantation and jumped in front of Raphtalia to protect her.
She seemed to be channeling life force into her katana.
“Die! False god,
false empress, and filthy traitor—all of you!” he roared.
“Shooting Star
“Whoa! Why me?!”
the skirt chaser shrieked.
The Shooting Star
Shield barrier activated and repelled him and the bear both, giving us a few
more seconds to prepare. At the same time, Sadeena and Gaelion finished their
incantations and our cooperative magic activated.
“Descent of the
Thunder God!”
Of course I
selected Raphtalia as the target.
“Here I go!” she
With the borrowed
katana in hand, Raphtalia charged at the bear therianthrope, who was still
rubbing his eyes and trying to recover from the bright flashes of light created
by the pieces of the shattered Shooting Star Shield barrier.
“Hengen Muso
Technique . . . Point of Focus!”
The attack pierced
cleanly through the bear’s protective barrier and the life force she had
channeled into her blade poured into his body.
“Ugh . . . It will
take more than that to stop me!” he roared.
He was a tough
bastard! I guess that much was to be expected of Q’ten Lo’s warrior elite. The
country was practically full of Sadeena-level fighters. Blood sprayed out of
the mouths of the men who had lent the bear their power.
“I can’t have you
forgetting about me!” Sadeena exclaimed.
She leapt up nimbly
into the air and called lightning down from the clouds that had formed from
Descent of the Thunder God. The lightning jumped to the spear she’d been given
by the skirt chaser.
“Lightning Strike
The electrically
charged spear shot forward, slithering like a snake, straight into the bear.
But he still didn’t
fall. Sparks of lightning jumped from his skin as he pointed his spear at
“I’m not finished!”
she shouted.
She blurred, as if
using haikuikku, and swung her katana down at the bear.
“I’m going to try a
new skill!” she said.
“I can’t let you
have all the fun!” I shouted.
I called out the
name of the new skill I’d gotten from the shield.
“Sakura Sphere of
A magic circle
shaped like a big cherry blossom appeared under my feet. Was that all? Nothing
else had happened. I guess the skill was useless. Oh well.
“Attack Support!”
I supported
Raphtalia by firing off my Attack Support skill, which would double the damage
of her next attack. But the instant I threw the Attack Support dart, it split
into five cherry blossom petals and they all smashed into the bear.
“Ugh! Wh-what?!”
Aha! So Sakura
Sphere of Influence must have been a skill that formed a magic circle that
would alter other skills. That made using it well a real pain!
The cherry blossom
petals wrapped around the bear’s body and restricted his movement, just like
Chain Shield had before he destroyed it. On top of that, the petals came
together to form a single cherry blossom while continuing to restrict the bear.
To think that I could use Attack Support to restrict an opponent too—now that
was convenient!
“Here I go! Kagura
Dance of the Sakura! First Formation! Blossom!”
Raphtalia slashed
at the bear powerfully as she sped past him. The cherry blossom restricting his
movements shattered and faded away. And then, with a bright flash, a flurry of
cherry blossoms rose up around the bear. At the same time, a magic circle
appeared below him with the same pattern as the one made by Raphtalia’s Eight
Trigrams Blade of Destiny attack.
“Wha—Ugh! Gahhh!
No! Not yet! I will not be defeated!”
“Damn, he’s tough!”
I said.
Was he really going
to refuse to fall, even after a string of such fierce attacks?!
“You’re finished,
false empress!” he roared.
He swung his spear
down at Raphtalia.
“Not happening!” I
I leapt forward and
blocked the spear. The attack wasn’t as heavy as before. I could withstand
this! I was certain of it! And then a beam of light shot out of my shield.
That must have been
blossom blaze, one of the special equip effects of the Sakura Stone of Destiny
Shield. All of a sudden, I felt more energized than before.
“What is this? I
suddenly feel like I have another attack in me, Mr. Naofumi!” Raphtalia
“Go for it!” I
She sheathed her
katana and moved into her quick-draw stance.
“Amazing. Thanks to
that magic circle of yours and that light just now, I can use another finishing
move immediately,” she said.
“Argh! How long do
you plan on resisting?!” the bear growled.
“Hmph. It looks
like these effects have managed to increase our own power while weakening
yours,” I said.
I’d finally been
able to subdue that immense power of his.
“You better not
forget about me and Gaelion or the rest of our soldiers!” Sadeena exclaimed.
Determined not to
be outdone, she and Gaelion began casting their own cooperative magic.
“Little Gaelion,
you’re borrowing power from the water dragon, right? Use it well!” she said.
“Hmph. I don’t like
having to work, but I suppose this is the final push.
In that case, let’s do this!” he exclaimed.
“Like pure flowing
waters, let our intentions wash away hatred, resentment, and the curse upon
this land. Let our desire to save the world manifest as strength! Dragon Vein!
Grant us a miracle!”
“I, Gaelion, command the
heavens and earth! Transect the way of the universe and rejoin it again to
expel the pus from within! Power of mine! Awaken the strength to terminate the
foolish adherents before me!”
Sadeena and Gaelion
each completed their respective incantations and the cooperative magic
Maelstrom of the Water Dragon!”
Gaelion transformed
into what looked like a small tornado made out of water and started spitting
out highly concentrated streams of water in all directions. Sadeena jumped onto
the tornado and the two of them took on the form of the water dragon as they
went charging toward the bear. Of course that meant they were charging at me
too, but Sadeena snatched me out of the way at the moment of impact.
The tornado of
water swallowed up the bear and began crushing him within. Even he couldn’t
withstand a powerful tornado made of such highly concentrated water.
“Here I go. This
skill combines the Hengen Muso style and the style that Sadeena taught me,”
Raphtalia said.
She leapt at the
bear and sliced into the tornado with a powerful thrust.
“Supreme Ultimate .
. . Slash of Destiny!”
Her blade slid cleanly
through the tornado and into the bear. The swirling water of the tornado burst
outward with a splash and dissolved into the air.
The bear landed on
the ground, unharmed. He let out a sigh of relief and smirked at Raphtalia.
“Such an impressive
skill. To think that it would end in failure! You’ve forfeited any right to
call yourself the Heavenly Empress,” he growled.
“You’re wrong,”
Raphtalia replied.
She was standing
still, facing away from the bear. He took aim at her back and brandished his spear.
“I cut the flow of
magic that was supplying your power. Trying to muster up any more . . . would
be suicide,” she continued.
“Don’t make me
laugh! Take thi—”
And then, just as
the bear stomped his foot down, it happened. A yin-yang symbol appeared on his
chest and extended outward, wrapping around his entire body!
“That’s the outside
power clashing with your own power. They will discharge shortly,” Raphtalia
The effect lasted
around ten seconds. When it wore off, the yin-yang symbol enveloping the bear
dissolved, and the bear dropped his spear to the ground heavily before catching
himself and leaning on it like a cane.
“Impossible! Astral
Enchant and the sakura stone of destiny blessing are gone?!” he exclaimed.
“Yes. I could see
their power flowing to you, so I wound the flows together and severed them
both. The blessing you were given is no more,” Raphtalia replied.
“A-amazing. She is
indeed the true Heavenly Empress,” whispered Raluva as he watched on.
“I will never
accept such a thing!” the bear roared.
He was determined
not to give up. He brandished his spear, but his movements completely lacked
the sharpness they’d shown before.
“We’ve won this
battle. The result is clear,” Raphtalia said.
“Ugh . . . It’s not
over yet! Even if you do defeat me, the government will never forgive you!
You’re as good as finished!” the bear roared.
“Sorry, but putting
an end to a rotten lot like you and your government is kind of our thing. And
since your government asked for it, crushing it is exactly what I’ll do!” I
declared loudly.
With an angry look
on his face, the bear therianthrope crumpled forward onto the ground.
Immediately after, cheers filled the air. They were the shouts of victory from
the men who’d joined us to help overthrow their government.
“We won!”
“This may be one
small step for the resistance, but it’s one giant leap for us resisters!”
“We’ve finally
delivered a blow to the rotten government and their foolish laws!” they cried
out, filling the air with their triumphant cheers.
managed to win somehow. But the enemies had been some of the most
unconventional and difficult to deal with yet. They concentrated all of their
power into a single fighter to boost that person’s stats, and they had the
ability to seal off the power of the heroes. Talk about overpowered! I was
going to cry if that bear therianthrope wasn’t some elite race, like the ones
they had in Siltvelt’s leadership. It was looking like we might be in for a
rough ride.
on your victory, little miss.”
The skirt chaser
came running over toward Raphtalia, so I activated Shooting Star Shield to
obstruct his path.
“You tactless
bastard! Do you have any idea what would’ve happened to you if I hadn’t loaned
you those weapons?!” he shouted.
His attitude did a
complete 360 depending on who he was talking to. He glared at me with an
annoyed look on his face, but I couldn’t have cared less.
“If you really like
women that much, I’ll loan you that fat killer whale over there. You can have
all the fun you want with her,” I said.
“Mr. Naofumi,
please don’t treat Sadeena like she’s a complete slut,” Raphtalia interjected.
“Oh my,” said
After hearing my
offer, the skirt chaser gulped and glanced over at Sadeena excitedly. That
bastard really would settle for anything as long as it was female, I guess.
“Hmm? I’m afraid
having a bit of fun with little Naofumi is first on the list of priorities.
Let’s start by enjoying a nice stiff drink!” she continued.
“Suit yourself,” I
“Yay! A party to
celebrate our victory! I want the best alcohol all for myself! Of course, I’ll
see if I can get some rucolu fruit for you, little Naofumi,” she said.
“You like that
cheap liquor? Who knew a god of a foreign land would have such bad taste,” said
one of Raluva’s men playfully.
“That’s right!
Believe it or not, little Naofumi can eat the rucolu fruit straight!
Incredible, right?!” Sadeena exclaimed.
All the surrounding
warriors began laughing at how worked up she got, bragging about such a thing, as
if it were her own achievement.
“Hahaha! Surely you
can’t handle that! Even if you’re a god of a foreign land!” one of the warriors
shouted at me.
“Did you say he
eats the actual fruit that cheap booze is made from? Now that’s something I’d
like to see! That stuff would send even Dionysus running for the hills!”
another warrior chimed in.
Raphtalia had a
vexed look on her face.
“I can all too
easily imagine what kind of shenanigans Sadeena and Mr. Naofumi might get up to
at a victory celebration party,” she muttered while shaking her head.
“I’m with you 100
percent,” Gaelion agreed.
He was hovering
beside Raphtalia with his arms crossed.
I didn’t know what
the big deal was. Was rucolu fruit really so scary? I mean, most of the time
people went pale and ran away when there was any talk of eating it straight.
Being able to do that was the only reason Sadeena even liked me.
“But before any of
that, we need to go meet up with the others from the ship,” Gaelion continued.
“Yeah, you’re
right. That’s the whole reason we came here, isn’t it?” I replied.
“Let us raise the
banner of revolution and send word to our people that the true Heavenly Empress
has arrived! Then we shall welcome this ship to Q’ten Lo!” one of the men
The other men all
“Come, ladies. Let
us enjoy the festivities, shall we?” said the skirt chaser.
He was still
pestering Raphtalia and Sadeena and I was really getting tired of him. I
figured it was time to shut him up.
“Shield Prison!”
“Wh-what are you
doing?! This is—”
I trapped him
inside of a prison of shields. Even Raphtalia must have been getting annoyed,
because she didn’t try to stop me. Sadeena came skipping over in her killer
whale form and leapt at me. Damn it!
“Little Na-o-fu-mi!
I totally got hit on! Are you jealous? You’re jealous, aren’t you?” she said.
“Oh yeah. Super
jealous. I was really hoping he’d hit on me instead,” I replied.
I couldn’t be
bothered with coming up with a wittier answer.
“Aww, you’re cute,
even when you’re being sarcastic, little Naofumi,” Sadeena said.
“Who are you
calling cute?” I replied.
“Anyway, my heart
belongs to you, little Naofumi. Try not to be too mean or I’ll get depressed.”
“You sure don’t
sound depressed. As far as I can tell, you’re far more concerned with finding
some alcohol.”
She was just
itching to get drunk. I could see it written all over her face.
“Oh? Is it that
obvious? Come on, then. Let’s go get the others off the ship so that they can
join us! Party, party, victory party!” Sadeena exclaimed.
Raphtalia sighed.
“I’m really starting
to wonder why we came all this away,” she said.
“Stop complaining,
Raphtalia. You’re going to unravel the shroud of mystery surrounding your birth
and seize control of your very own country,” I told her.
“I wouldn’t mind
knowing what kind of place my parents grew up in, but I’m also perfectly
content with just living a quiet life back at the village,” she replied.
Raphtalia sure
didn’t need much to be happy. That was one of the things I liked about her,
“Well, you may end
up eventually serving as governor of the territory on my behalf, so proactively
making some political connections now would be a smart move,” I said.
I would be going
back to Japan after the threat of the waves had passed. Rebuilding the village
was really something I was doing for Raphtalia’s sake, after all.
“. . .”
Raphtalia just sat
there quietly for some reason, without saying anything.
“Alright, let’s get
going then. We’ve captured the port town. Now all that’s left is to set up base
here, gather the troops, and then seize control of the country,” I said.
I laughed
diabolically and Raphtalia rolled her eyes at me.
“I won’t deny that
this country has some issues that need to be sorted out. So let’s stop wasting
time talking and get going,” she said.
“Alright then!” I replied.
We left the skirt
chaser behind and marched triumphantly back toward the port.
at the port town, the signs posted by the government had been taken down by
order of Raluva. We paraded down the main street behind Raphtalia, who was
wearing the miko outfit. Seeing her in the miko outfit must have been
reassuring for the citizens of Q’ten Lo. They all bowed their heads deeply when
she passed.
Of course, there
were those who opposed her influence too. But we’d just defeated the government
officials that had forcefully taken over the town. Speaking out against her
openly would’ve been suicide. Anyone who didn’t want to get involved in a messy
conflict would leave the town. On the contrary, those who opposed the
government’s authority would begin to gather there. That was just the nature of
But enough talk of
the future. We went to meet up with the others who’d been on the ship from
Siltvelt. It had finally arrived at the port.
“Ohhh! It’s
Masteeerrrr!” cried Filo.
Raph-chan was
sitting on Filo’s head. Filo waved at us from the deck of the ship before
jumping off and heading our way.
It was Raph-chan! I
hadn’t seen her for a while and it was starting to make me sad. I wanted the
people of Q’ten Lo to see just how great Raph-chan was. They completely
worshipped Raphtalia when she wore the miko outfit, so I was sure they would
love it if Raph-chan wore a miko outfit too. It would’ve been nice to have
others who understood how I felt.
“Umm, Mr. Naofumi?
What are you thinking about?” Raphtalia asked.
“Mr. Naofumi!” Atla
She practically ran
down the side of the ship and then leapt at me. It made her look like a
stuntwoman or something.
“Atla!” Fohl
Determined not to
be outdone, he tried to leap down onto the dock from the ship but just fell
into the ocean instead. Poor guy.
“Fehhh! We were
worried about you, Naofumi!” Rishia exclaimed.
“I suppose we
were,” Itsuki agreed.
The two of them
filed down off the ship in an orderly fashion and then rushed over to us.
Itsuki sure didn’t look worried at all.
“I thought
Raph-chan explained what had happened,” I said.
“Yes, Filo told us
that you had already made it to Q’ten Lo safely,” Rishia replied.
“Was everything
okay on the ship?” I asked.
“More attackers
showed up every now and then. They seemed to be trying to figure out where
Raphtalia had gone,” she said.
I guess they never
would have imagined she’d already made it into the country.
“Itsuki, stay on
your guard. We can’t use our portal skills in this country, it seems,” I said.
“I will. How are we
going to bring Ren here?” he asked.
“It’ll be a real
hassle, but I guess our only choice is to take a boat back and go pick him up,”
I replied.
“Someone needs to
guard the village. We could always do this with just the two of us,” Itsuki suggested.
That was true. But
I had a feeling S’yne would be getting worried right about now too. She had
probably assumed she’d be able to rush to my side immediately, so I wasn’t sure
how she would deal with finding out we couldn’t use teleportation.
Still, it would be
difficult for me to leave the battlefront. And getting into the country by boat
was still pretty dangerous. It would probably be better to search for a dragon
hourglass before going that route. Besides, now that Atla, Itsuki, and the others
had joined us, we’d be able to put up a pretty good fight, even if we did end
up facing more enemies like that bear.
“Hey, kid! I’m glad
to see you’re still alive,” said the old weapon shop guy as he got off the
ship. “So this is Q’ten Lo, huh?”
“They have all
kinds of strange culture and traditions here. You might be able to learn a
thing or two,” I replied.
Some of it might
have been outside the realm of his expertise, but there were a lot of items and
equipment in this country that I’d never seen before. I figured it would be
nice if he could take a look and try to figure them out.
We were discussing
that when the skirt chaser came running up. He was really upset.
“You can’t just
cage people all of a sudden, you little prick!” he screamed.
“That’s what you
get for trying to hit on Raphtalia. I can’t have someone like you putting their
dirty hands on her and tainting her,” I replied.
“What did you say?!
Are you trying to forbid me from approaching a beautiful young girl?! Who the
hell do you think you are?!”
“I’m her surrogate
father. I’ll say this as many times as you need to hear it. It’ll be a cold day
in hell before I let someone like you get their hands on my cute little girl!”
“Try saying that
The skirt chaser
and I glared at each other. The old guy was standing next to me with a look of
surprise on his face. He pointed at the skirt chaser.
“Master!” he
What? I looked back
and forth between the old guy and the skirt chaser, confused.
“I knew right away
that you’d made the weapons those assassins who attacked the kid’s territory
were using. But as soon as I get to Q’ten Lo, you’re here with the kid! Why?”
the old guy exclaimed.
“Umm . . . Oh! Now
I remember! You’re Erhard! Long time no see! How have you been?” replied the
skirt chaser.
He squinted and
really looked the old guy over for several moments before suddenly clapping his
hands like he’d just remembered who he was. Then he started acting really
“I’ve been fine,
but . . . you haven’t answered my question yet, Master!”
The old guy seemed
slightly annoyed as he demanded an answer.
“Hold on. You’re
saying this skirt chaser is your master?” I asked.
I tried to recall
what the old guy had said about his blacksmith master. What was it again?
“You mentioned him
being a skilled craftsman and a frivolous, womanizing moron who ran away to
escape his debts, right?”
“Come on, kid. I
may have said something like that, but just don’t lay it out there like that,”
the old guy replied.
“What was that?!
Well, I’ll admit that I do like my women,” said the
skirt chaser.
When I recalled the
characteristics that the old guy had mentioned, I suddenly realized that they
all applied to this bastard. He was definitely the kind of guy that I didn’t
want to run across, if it could be avoided.
“This bastard
started hitting on Raphtalia and Sadeena when we were trying to sneak in
undetected, and then he showed up during our battle and backstabbed the
country’s government,” I said.
“Yeah, that sounds
like Master, alright,” the old guy replied.
The skirt chaser
flashed a smug grin. Why was he suddenly acting so self-satisfied? That wasn’t
something to be proud of!
“Is he really your
master?” Raphtalia asked.
She sounded
disappointed. Of course she would. This was not a guy either of us wanted to
get involved with. Nothing good ever came from associating with philanderers.
“So? How did you
end up making weapons for a bunch of assassins who attacked my village?” I
“Well, I was born
here, but I wanted to experience the world, so I left. I wandered around from
country to country, enjoying myself and doing my blacksmith work on the side.
But then my pop died and they forced me to come back. Back then, the father of
that snotty little brat of an emperor was still Heavenly Emperor. He ordered me
to make equipment for the country. But when daddy died, the little brat got the
throne and he’s been there ever since,” complained the skirt chaser, a.k.a. the
old guy’s master.
So to make a long
story short, he was from a prestigious family of master blacksmiths in Q’ten
Lo. And whether it was because of his own natural talent or just a
characteristic of his race, it was rare to encounter a craftsman of his level.
But he was a philanderer, so he ran away from home to get intimate with women
around the world. And he got away with doing whatever he wanted for a while.
But then his father died and he took over the family business. That’s when the
country ordered him to make weapons for them.
Being chosen as the
country’s blacksmith sure made him sound important.
“Oh! Little girls!”
the old guy’s master squealed.
This time he was
looking at Atla and Filo. This guy really had no principles. Even so, “little
girls” was just going too far.
“What is it? Do you
need something from me?” Atla asked.
“Hm?” said Filo,
confused as always.
“How about you two
come and enjoy a cup of tea with me?” the master replied.
“Sorry, but I’m not
interested. I would like to enjoy a cup of tea with
Mr. Naofumi, though. And then, while we were at it . . .” Atla’s voice trailed
“Hm? Maaasterrr,
this person reminds me of the spear guy,” Filo said.
“You sure are
sharp, Filo. What are you going to do?” I asked her.
“Umm, Mel-chan said
to stay away from people that say things like he says,” she replied.
Melty was actually
teaching Filo some pretty good stuff. But the nonsense coming out of Atla’s
mouth was only making a bad situation worse.
“Umm, sorry,
mister, but I already have Mel-chan and Master, so I can’t play with you.
That’s what Mel-chan told meeee,” Filo said while pointing at me.
“Damn! Don’t tell
me you’re building a harem!” the old guy’s master exclaimed while pointing at
me with a regretful look on his face.
What the hell was
he saying? Building a harem? Me? Ridiculous!
“Don’t make me
vomit!” I shouted.
Did he really think
I would be building a harem? He couldn’t have chosen a worse way to
misunderstand. I was just taking care of Raphtalia as something of a father
figure. It was a similar thing with the rest of the villagers too. Filo was
basically my pet. Melty was a business associate. And Sadeena just treated me
like we were in a relationship against my will. As for Atla, she’d just latched
on to me against my will, kind of like Sadeena. She was just my slave. And a
battle slave, at that.
“Umm . . . Please
try not to mention that kind of thing around Mr. Naofumi,” said Raphtalia.
I was getting
pissed off now.
“She’s right. It’s
best to avoid topics like that around the kid. Otherwise, it’s just going to
put him in an even worse mood,” the old guy agreed.
“Well, if you’re
not building a harem, that means I can hit on your women, right?” the old guy’s
master replied.
“You’ve upset Mr.
Naofumi. Now pay the price,” said Atla.
She gave the old
guy’s master a quick jab in the stomach.
“Gahhh! Y-you sure
are violent, little miss,” he said.
Wow, he was pretty
“What are you
trying to do to Atla?!” Fohl shouted.
“What are you
trying to do to me?!” the master retorted as he dodged Fohl’s fist by a hair’s
breadth and then backed away.
If he could dodge
that then why didn’t he dodge Atla’s jab?!
“I adore cute
girls! Of course I’d want to enjoy their company!” he exclaimed.
“Go make some
weapons, blacksmith,” I said.
“Oh, shut up! I’ll
do that when I feel like it!” he replied.
What a selfish
“Hey, Master, I
know how we could cheer the kid up,” the old man said.
“Huh? Why the hell
would you want to cheer him up?” the master replied.
“Well, if it’s a
choice between that and inflating your ego any more than it already is, then
cheering the kid up is the far better option.”
“Erhard, you bastard!
And you call yourself my apprentice?!”
“It’s exactly
because I am your apprentice that I’m obligated to keep you under control. It
won’t be any good for my business if word gets out that my master is the one
making weapons for the assassins attacking a hero’s territory. This is the
perfect chance. I’ll take care of all the arrangements, so why don’t you come
back with us?”
That meant this
bastard would be coming to Melromarc, right? I didn’t want a troublemaker like
him anywhere near me. The old guy’s master crossed his arms and stood there
deep in thought for a few moments. Seriously, what was with this guy?
“Well, I’ve already
decided to align myself with this new Heavenly Empress. If it means being able
to wander the world freely again once all the commotion dies down, then . . .
it might not be a bad idea after all!” the master said.
“That’s the spirit!
There were still a lot of things I was hoping to learn from you. Now you can
teach me!” old guy exclaimed.
“Well, I get the
feeling that being around this prick will give me the chance to meet lots of
beautiful women. So sure, why not?!” the old guy’s master retorted.
The old man and his
master shook on it. But as soon as they did, I noticed an almost imperceptible
twinkle in the old guy’s eye that only lasted for an instant. He’d successfully
managed to trick his master, in other words. I didn’t know the old guy had a
side like that. Then again, with a master like this, such a thing would be
“Oh, and Master . .
. It goes without saying that you’ll pay me back for the massive debts you left
me with, not to mention all of the other suffering you caused me, right?”
The old guy’s
master squealed. He looked back and forth several times between the old guy’s
face and their hands, which were still clasped in a handshake. It was clear he
was about to try to run, so the old guy grabbed him and put him in a full
nelson before eventually tying him up.
“Thanks, kid. I’ve
finally managed to capture my master,” the old guy said.
“Damnit! Let me go,
Erhard! I just want to be free to enjoy life and romance!”
“You can do that
once you’ve worked enough to make up for causing the kid all this trouble! With
your level of skill, we should be able to solve any problem, be it a financial
crisis or imminent world destruction! I have faith in you!”
“Who the hell would
choose saving the world from destruction over women?! Let me go! I just want to
have fun!”
The old guy asked
some townspeople where the local forge was and then dragged the skirt chaser
off in that direction. The skirt chaser showed no signs of stopping his
obnoxious belly aching. I couldn’t help but be a bit worried, but things would
probably be fine if the old guy was watching him.
“What a strange
guy. I guess we’ll be seeing a lot more of him now,” said Raphtalia.
“I’d really rather
not. The old guy and Imiya’s uncle are more than adequate to take care of our
blacksmith needs,” I replied.
I didn’t want to
keep a weirdo like that around.
“That said, it is
true that he saved us,” Raphtalia continued.
“Yeah, I can’t deny
that,” I said.
The old guy’s
master had given us the Sakura Stone of Destiny Shield and matching katana. He
knew about equipment that could be used to counteract the enemy’s ability to
weaken the heroes. I had a feeling we wouldn’t be able to topple the Q’ten Lo
government without his help. Even just considering it made my head hurt, but I
guess there was no choice but to accept working with him.
“Alright, now then
. . . Today we successfully took the first step in capturing Q’ten Lo, and we were
reunited with everyone on the ship. I guess we should be happy with that,” I
“Agreed. It looks
like we’re going to be facing some rough times in the days to come, but we just
have to keep forging ahead,” Raphtalia replied.
“Yeah. But we also
get to uncover the mysteries surrounding your birth, Raphtalia. I’m actually
kind of excited,” I said.
I cherished
Raphtalia like she was my own daughter. There was something strangely
satisfying about the thought of discovering her roots. But I always felt bad
for her when the topic of her deceased parents came up.
Raphtalia sighed.
“In that case, how
about you tell me more about your family and lineage,
Mr. Naofumi?” she said.
“Me? I come from a
painfully ordinary Japanese household,” I replied.
But then it occurred
to me. When I really thought about it, Japan was an alien world in their eyes.
I’m sure they would’ve had no idea what I was talking about if I mentioned
things like computers or manga.
“I’m interested! I
would love nothing more than to know about your family, lineage, and everything
else about you, Mr. Naofumi! I want to know about your childhood, who your
first love was, what you ate growing up, what kind of friends you had, and
everything else too!” Atla exclaimed.
There was no way I
was going to tell Atla anything. That response just made her sound like a
stalker. Filo had Motoyasu as a stalker. I guess Atla was mine. Atla kind of
had a stalker too, since Fohl’s sister complex was so severe. Maybe if I gave
him some attention, Atla would shift her focus to him instead of me for a
I gazed over at
Fohl. He perked up really straight and started looking around.
“Wh-what is this?
I’ve got goosebumps. Why is my heart beating so fast?” he muttered.
Hmm . . .
“Such a complicated
web of romance, don’t you think, Mr. Itsuki?” said Rishia.
“I suppose so. Do
you like that kind of thing, Rishia?” Itsuki replied.
“Y-yes. I’ve
enjoyed books ever since I was a child, so I’ve read a lot of romance novels,”
she said.
What in the world
were the two of them talking about?
Raph-chan was
sitting on top of the head of a confused Filo. I petted her while looking
around at the town.
“Anyway, we’ll be
doing a lot of fighting in the coming days. Everyone rest up and prepare
yourselves. It may seem like a completely foreign land, but this is where
Raphtalia and Sadeena were born,” I said.
“It sure is. Once
we’re free to explore a bit more, I’d like to show you the place where I grew
up, little Naofumi,” Sadeena replied.
“That makes it
sound like capturing the country is a prerequisite,” I said.
“Oh? I’m completely
serious about all of this, you know,” she replied.
I sighed. I could
never tell whether she was being serious or not.
Suddenly, a cherry
blossom petal came floating down and landed on the ground nearby. I guess,
technically, it was a sakura lumina blossom petal. I looked over at the sakura
lumina in full bloom and noticed how beautiful it was.
“Those flowers are
really pretty,” said Raphtalia.
“Yeah, they are. It
makes me want to take some of the trees back and plant them near the village,
if they would actually survive,” I replied.
Q’ten Lo was a
mysterious country. Being here felt like I had slipped back in time to the Edo
period. And looking at the blossoming flowers on the sakura lumina trees made
me think of spring in Japan. If I ever made it back to Japan and got to see the
cherry blossoms again, they would probably remind me of all this.
The remainder of
the day was like a brief moment of calm in the middle of a storm. But we were
almost to the goal. It wouldn’t be long before we’d finally disposed of those
annoying assassins. Even if we ended up facing some unexpectedly difficult
issues ahead, things would work out. I would make it work out. Just like when
I’d broken free of the web of conspiracy in Melromarc.
was more determined than ever.
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